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"Global Trends Forced: Displacement in 2014"

Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

Global forced displacement has seen accelerated growth in 2014,
once again reaching unprecedented levels. The year saw the highest
displacement on record. By end-2014, 59.5 million individuals
were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict,
generalized violence, or human rights violations. This is 8.3 million
persons more than the year before (51.2 million) and the highest
annual increase in a single year.

Training Report on Land Survey & Record Preparation

Training Resources & Tools
октября, 2013

The Overall objectives of the project is strengthening access to land and property rights for all citizens especially the poorest part of the community in line with the overall Access-to-Land program being implemented by Ministry of Land through DLRS. This project is implemented in three districts under three upazilas of Bangladesh: Amtali upazila of Barguna, Jamalpur sadar upazila of Jamalpur and Mohonpur upazila of Rajshahi District. NIRAS a consulting firm of Denmark is responsible for providing technical support for GNSS machinery operation and ETS.

ForInfo Factsheet: Capacity Building in Sustainable Forest Management

Institutional & promotional materials
октября, 2013

Wood energy is vital to the livelihoods of rural communities in the Mekong region, where over five times more fuelwood than timber is extracted for daily use. However, the energy needs of the community are commonly not factored into the establishment of market-oriented enterprises, which can lead to supply disruptions and subsequent impact on income as well as the environment. Hence, the importance of establishing sustainable community forest (CF) management, to ensure a stable provision of wood energy and to prevent gaps in supply and demand is significant.

ForInfo Factsheet: Commercial Scale Community Bamboo Harvesting

Institutional & promotional materials
октября, 2013

Forinfo aims to strengthen the capacity of the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) by supporting the implementation of improved bamboo management within the two concession areas in Meung district. The project is partnering with officials from the Government of Lao PDR (GoL), from the national to district level, private enterprises, community associations, and other NGOs to foster a wider stakeholder responsibility and ownership of the activities.

Sustainable Forest Management: How Can it be Achieved Through Community Forestry

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

This policy brief discusses ways for governments to support community forestry based on the understanding that it can provide numerous economic, environmental and social benefits. The brief also highlights the challenges facing community forestry throughout the region and outlines recommendations for governments to further support community forestry as a pathway to inclusive development, where communities participate in decision-making and get equitable benefits, based on the principles of participation, non-discrimination and accountability.

People and Forests for a Greener Future

Institutional & promotional materials
октября, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

Building on a very successful previous strategic phase, the new RECOFTC Strategic Plan (2013-2018) has an increased focus on clearer strategic outcomes in RECOFTC’s four thematic areas: Securing Community Forestry; Enhancing Livelihoods and Markets; People, Forests and Climate Change; and Transforming Forest Conflicts. Within these thematic areas, we explore emerging issues, including landscape approaches, food security, water security, and biomass energy security.

Community Forestry in Asia and the Pacific: Pathway to Inclusive Development

Reports & Research
октября, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

This report reflects analysis of the current situation of community forestry in the Asia–Pacific region. The study indicates that people will conserve biodiversity, reduce deforestation and manage forests sustainably when they derive regular benefits from them and when they are empowered to participate in decision-making processes regarding those forests.

ForInfo Factsheet: Teak Smallholder Plantations

Institutional & promotional materials
октября, 2013

In Bokeo, ForInfo focuses on using the inherent economic incentives in teak cultivation to contribute to sound livelihood systems for the communities, based on sustainable forest management principles. ForInfo , as a project of RECOFTC, is in the process of promoting a range of improvements to maximize benefits from teak plantation management by supporting smallholder plantation certification and linking them with micro-finance schemes. In this factsheet, the findings of the TFT-supported Luang Prabang Teak program (LPTP) provided the basis for the intervention in Bokeo.

Constructing Rights

Peer-reviewed publication
октября, 2013

Malaysia has declared its vision of developed country status by the year 2020. Much has been written about its top-down development approach, its relative economic success and the social as well as environmental costs of such approach. In 2011 and 2012 the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) set into motion a national inquiry into the status of customary rights to land in the country. As part of the inquiry, a nationwide series of consultations was held over several months in 2012, culminating in formal public hearings in Peninsular Malyasia, Sarawak and Sabah.

Amélioration de la gouvernance foncière au Sénégal

Reports & Research
октября, 2013

L’économie sénégalaise est dominée par l’agriculture et les activités informelles qui génèrent 92 % des emplois et auto-emplois (Faye et al., 2007). Malgré une contribution relativement modeste au PIB estimée entre 15 et 18 %, le secteur agricole au sens large occupe aujourd’hui plus de 65 % de la population active du pays et fournit une partie importante des produits de base pour les ménages et les agro-industries locales (arachide, coton, sucre et riz).

Report on Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Workshop

Training Resources & Tools
сентября, 2013

SALE project organized a workshop on monitoring and evaluation framework at proshika HDRC trust, koitta, Manikhonj from 08-09 October, 2013. It was mainly two days workshop for SALE project staff. Amar Krishna Baidya, TC- Knowledge Management Care Bangladesh facilitated the workshop program in association with Project Coordinator Mr. Mamun Ur Rashid of SALE project and Head of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (HPM&E) Mrs. Suraiya Ferdous.

Relatório Proterras Comunitárias

Reports & Research
сентября, 2013

O presente Relatório descreve a forma como o projecto Pro-Terras Comunitárias foi implementado. Em particular, o projecto descreve as causas da realização desta pesquisa, a metodologia usada, analisa os dados obtidos e produz recomendações sobre como melhor proteger os direitos das comunidades e dos grupos vulneráveis. Este projecto foi implementado em 20 comunidades dos distritos de Jangamo, Homoine e Morrumbene, localizados na província de Inhambane e teve a duração de 18 meses.