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The Evolution of the World Bank’s Land Policy: Principles, Experience, and Future Challenges

Legislation & Policies
мая, 2009

This article examines the evolution of policy recommendations concerning rural land issues since the formulation of the World Bank’s “Land Reform Policy Paper” in 1975. That paper set out three guiding principles: the desirability of owner-operated family farms; the need for markets to permit land to be transferred to more productive users; and the importance of an egalitarian asset distribution.

Décentralisation et limites foncières au Mali

Reports & Research
мая, 2009

Au Mali, au début des années 1990, la décentralisation fut d’abord un acte politique permettant de proposer une solution viable au problème de la rébellion touarègue. Ensuite, les aspirations aux idées occidentales démocratiques (pluralisme politique, liberté de la presse, etc.) d’une partie des élites urbaines ont rencontré les plans des occidentaux pour le développement de l’Afrique pour donner un système de décentralisation territoriale à la française, mais où la commune est composée d’un ensemble de villages.

Loi no 034-2009/AN portant régime foncier rural au Burkina Faso

мая, 2009
Burkina Faso

La présente loi détermine le régime domanial et foncier applicable aux terres rurales ainsi que les principes de sécurisation foncière de l’ensemble des acteurs du foncier rural.

Elle vise à :

-  assurer un accès équitable aux terres rurales pour l’ensemble des acteurs ruraux, personnes physiques et morales de droit public et de droit privé ;

-  promouvoir les investissements, accroître la productivité dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral et favoriser la réduction de la pauvreté en milieu rural ;


Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2009

This analysis and recommendations stem from USAID/Kenya’s request for an assessment of Kenya’s draft National Land Policy (dNLP).4 It was conducted under the global task order: Property Rights and Resource Governance Program, a mechanism designed and supervised by USAID-EGAT’s Land Resources Management Team under the Office of Natural Resources Management.

A Lei de Terras, de Minas e Sistemas de Direitos Consuetudinários

Conference Papers & Reports
марта, 2009

O presente trabalho é assente no cruzamento e análise dos conteúdos da legislação de terras1 , de minas e do reconhecimento pelo Estado das Autoridades Locais, em Moçambique. Será ainda baseado na análise da literatura e estudos realizados relacionados com estas áreas. Ao longo da presente abordagem far‐se‐á uma análise do regime jurídico relativo à descentralização administrativa, desenvolvimento  comunitário e participação das comunidades locais.

THE ROHINGYAS Bengali Muslims or Arakan Rohingyas?

Reports & Research
марта, 2009

In recent months, the Rohingyas have been making headlines again. Who are they?
It was reported1 recently that Myanmar Foreign Minister U Nyan Win had told his ASEAN2
counterparts in Hua Hin, Thailand, prior to the ASEAN Summit, that the SPDC is "willing to
accept the return of refugees from Myanmar if they are listed as Bengali Muslim minorities but
not if they are Rohingyas, because Rohingyas are not Myanmar citizens". What does this
signify? To the uninitiated, what difference does it make if they are Bengalis or Rohingyas? Are

MYANMAR: No end in sight for internal displacement crisis. A profile of the internal displacement situation

Reports & Research
марта, 2009

Displacement as a result of conflict and human rights violations continued in Myanmar in 2008. An estimated 66,000 people from ethnic minority communities in eastern Myanmar were forced to become displaced in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict and human rights abuses. As of October 2008, there were at least 451,000 people reported to be internally displaced in the rural areas of eastern Myanmar. This is however a conservative figure, and there is no information available on figures for internally displaced people (IDPs) in several parts of the country.

Schmidtsdrift plans and policies

Reports & Research
февраля, 2009
South Africa

This document summarises approaches to resolve disputes, profile the membership of the Communal Property Association, develop a new CPA Constitution and examine options for the utilisation of mineral, agricultural and game resources and the allocation of business sites. It also explores options for CPA management and the need for professional management staff in this large and complex restitution claim

Indústrias de Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento: Alguns Comentários

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2009

Entre 25 e 26 de Março, realizou-se em Maputo um workshop de alto nível envolvendo dirigentes governativos, de empresas ligadas a indústrias de recursos naturais e sociedade civil de vários países Africanos. O workshop tinha como tema melhorar o impacto das indústrias de recursos naturais através do uso efectivo de receitas e da responsabilidade social corporativa. Este IDeIAS surge como resultado da reflexão sobre alguns dos pontos discutidos nesse workshop.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Forestry Conflict: Lessons From Decentralized Forest Management in Indonesia

Reports & Research
февраля, 2009

Decentralization in natural resource management (NRM) is increasingly promoted as it is believed to offer better management. This study explores the positive and negative aspects of the forestry conflict that sometimes increases with decentralization. Drawing upon the results of a case study from Sumatra, this study examines how forestry conflict under decentralization processes was viewed by stakeholders. The conflict involved a logging company and a local community, and centered on a disputed forest boundary.