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RECOFTC Annual Report 2006-2007

Institutional & promotional materials
июля, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

"I believe that the work of RECOFTC is of greater importance now than any time in its 20 year history. Governments of the region face enormous new challenges as they seek to develop forest conservation and management regimes that simultaneously reduce emissions from forest loss and degradation, contribute to national economic development, and meet the needs and aspirations of forest-dependent people. The people who live and work in communities in and near forests can be the most effective allies in these efforts."


  • Strategic Implications

Forest Tenure Reform in Viet Nam: Case Studies from the Northern Upland and Central Highlands Regions

Reports & Research
июля, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

This study is part of a project implemented by the Regional Community Forestry Training Center for the Asia and Pacific (RECOFTC) in collaboration with the Rights and Resources Group (RRG) to advance policy and market reforms in four countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The overall goal of the project is to reduce poverty in forest areas, expand sustainable forest use and trade, and increase the effectiveness and impact of regional analysts and institutions in advancing pro-poor forest policy and market reforms.


Reports & Research
июня, 2008

Land is a natural resource that is limited and finite but with immense commercial (as an asset and factor of production), social-cultural, spiritual and aesthetic value. On the other hand, a family particularly in the context of Uganda is a fluid social construct deriving its strict definition from a particular social-cultural context. Land and family conflicts have been shown by various studies 1 to be the most prevalent form of livelihoods disruption to many households’ and individuals.

Estado e ações coletivas na África do Sul e no Brasil:

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2008
South Africa
South America

O artigo busca, por meio da análise da atuação do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (no Brasil) e do Landless People´s Movement (na África do Sul), analisar as formas emergentes que o Estado adquire nesses dois contextos sociais. O objetivo central é mostrar que nesses países, chamados aqui de não exemplares, é preciso que se desenvolva uma teoria complexa que rompa com o dualismo sociológico Estado/Sociedade civil.

The Politics of Displacement in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
июня, 2008

Africa has half of the world’s 25 million internally displaced persons (IDPs). These IDPs are citizens displaced by development projects, natural disasters or violence. Violence, linked to civil war or repression, is the predominant cause of displacement. As respected Kenyan lawyer Makau wa Mutua emphasizes, bad government is at the root of this tragedy “with the most repressive governments producing the largest numbers of IDPs”.[1] 

Land Rights, Mining and Resistance: New Struggles on Mongolia’s Pastoral Commons

Conference Papers & Reports
июня, 2008

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and agricultural decollectivisation, post-socialist rural contexts have afforded commons scholars particularly fertile ground for examination of institutional change and evolution under new modes of governance. In Mongolia, as elsewhere, such transformations have been characterised by the erosion of state influence and de jure and/or de facto devolution of land and resource rights.

Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management : A Comparative Study

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
июня, 2008

This note contains a summary, for practitioners, of the World Bank Law, Justice, and Development Series Book Regulatory Frameworks for Water Resources Management: a comparative study (2006). It examines how the regulatory frameworks in 16 jurisdictions worldwide have addressed the various basic issues related to water resources management, provides a comparative analysis of those issues, and highlights the essential elements of the regulatory frameworks that are emerging in response.

Decentralization, Pro-Poor Land Policies, and Democratic Governance

Reports & Research
июня, 2008

Land tenure reform policy has been affected by many different types of decentralization, but the literature has rarely explicitly addressed the implications of this. The paper provides a review of how the issues of decentralization are linked to land tenure reform in theory and practice. Begins with clarifying some key terms, then looks at contending perspectives on decentralization and how these relate to the UNDP’s pillars of democratic governance.

Participatory Management of Forests and Protected Areas - A Trainer's Manual

Training Resources & Tools
мая, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

Opportunities for forest managers to gain knowledge and skills in participatory resource management processes are still limited. A recent survey by IUCN has brought this out where a third of PA managers indicated that one of the areas priority training areas for them was related to sustainable development. Recognising the need for such training, a number of organisations including CARE, FAO, MSTCDC, RECOFTC and WWF initiated a series of workshops and training courses on different facets of this topic. 

Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas

International Conventions or Treaties
апреля, 2008

A Assembléia Geral, Tomando nota da recomendação que figura na resolução 1/2 do Conselho dos Direitos Humanos, de 29 de junho de 2006, na qual o Conselho aprovou o texto da Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas, Recordando sua resolução 61/178, de 20 de dezembro de 2006, em que decidiu adiar o exame e a adoção de medidas sobre a Declaração a fim de dispor de mais tempo para seguir realizando consultas a respeito, e decidiu também concluir o exame da Declaração antes de que terminasse o sexagésimo-primeiro período de sessões, Aprova a Declaração das Nações Unidas