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Reports & Research
мая, 2003
South Africa

THIS report is based on research undertaken by AFRA in 2002/3. The process of compiling the information included an extensive literature review, workshops with the forest dwellers and interviews with various stakeholders. A number of issues were considered and a large volume of literature and workshop reports on these exists in AFRA's offices. These are available on request. The Department of Regional and Land Affairs commissioned a similar study in 1993 when the state was attempting to lure people out of the forest following the 1988 "invasion".

After the 1997 Offensives: The Burma Army's Relocation Program in Kamoethway Area

Reports & Research
марта, 2003

Mass Displacement by the Burmese Army's forced relocation program in Tenasserim division first rose to awareness when multi-national companies started to build the Yadana gas pipeline. What followed was a Burmese Army offensive in 1997 to KNU controlled areas to secure more of the area for their business interests. After the arrival of foreign companies and the Yadana gas pipeline the Kamoethway area became a refuge for those fleeing from the gas pipeline area. Later Kamoethway area itself became another target for Burmese troops trying to gain better access to the gas pipeline.

IDPs in Burma: A short summary

Reports & Research
марта, 2003

Burma has a population of 50 million people, recent estimates place 2 million of those people as Internally Displaced
Persons (IDP). They live precarious and transient lives in the jungles of Burma’s ethnic border areas and in the more urban
central plains. They are denied the stability of having a home and a livelihood and are forced into a constant state of
movement: never having the opportunity to maintain a home, their farms, access to education and medical facilities and
peace of mind...

A Critical Look at the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (EMCA), 1999

Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2003

As the Government of Kenya treads the path to economic recovery, every Kenyan should be at home with the fact that many forms of economic development activities damage the natural resources upon which the economies are based. Nationally and internationally, a major environmental and development challenge is how to maintain the equilibrium between population, ecosystems and development.

Law 445: Law of Communal Property Regime of the Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Communities of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua and of the Rivers Bocay, Coco, Indio and Maiz

Legislation & Policies
декабря, 2002

It is the ineludible commitment of the State of Nicaragua to respond to the claim for the titling of the lands and territories of the indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the former Mosquitia of Nicaragua; right set forth in the International Treaties entered into between England and Nicaragua, such as the 1860 Managua Treaty and the 1905 Harrison-Altamirano Treaty. This right to the land is recognized in the 1987 Political Constitution of Nicaragua and the Statute of Autonomy of the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast.

Summary of the main points contained in the conclusions and recommendations of the final report of the extractive industries review

декабря, 2002

This document summarises the main points in the conclusions and recommendations sections of the World Bank’s Final Report of the Extractive Industries Review (EIR). The document focuses particularly on a few of the issues touched upon in the report, such as indigenous peoples’ rights, human rights generally, World Bank accountability/institutional issues, and the definition of poverty and sustainable development.The Final Report recognises that if the World Bank Group is to comply with its mandate, strict conditions must be applied to Extractive Industry (EI) projects.

Nepal: breaking new ground: leasehold forestry in Nepal: hills leasehold forestry and forage development project

декабря, 2002
Southern Asia

This document presents the results of an evaluation of an IFAD project aimed at preventing land degradation in Nepal. The project is based on leasehold forestry, an innovative approach introduced by IFAD in the early 1990s. It works by providing forty-year leases to groups of households and giving them user rights over plots of degraded forest land.