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Report on Edinburgh Conference on Africa’s Indigenous Peoples: ‘First Peoples’ or ‘Marginalized Minorities’?

Reports & Research
мая, 2000

Short report on Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh annual international conference. Its focus was on the highly marginalized hunter-gatherers and forest people who are increasing in number but are heavily discriminated against and are losing many struggles for land. They are often invisible to donors. Discusses international efforts to support indigenous rights and the difficulty of applying this concept in Africa. Lists the papers presented at the conference.

Total Denial Continues - Earth rights abuses along the Yadana and Yetagun pipelines in Burma

Reports & Research
апреля, 2000

Three Western oil companies -- Total, Premier and Unocal -- bent on exploiting natural gas , entered partnerships with the brutal Burmese military regime. Since the early 1990's, a terrible drama has been unfolding in Burma. Three western oil companies -- Total, Premier, and Unocal -- entered into partnerships with the brutal Burmese miltary regime to build the Yadana and Yetagun natural gas pipelines.

Exiled at Home: Continued Forced Relocations and Displacement in Shan State

Reports & Research
апреля, 2000

Continued Forced Relocations and Displacement in Shan State. "This report aims to provide a picture of the current situation in central Shan State, where the military junta ruling Burma has forcibly uprooted and destroyed over 1,400 villages and displaced well over 300,000 people since 1996. This campaign against civilians is still continuing after 4 brutal years, leaving much of the Shan population homeless. In this report, some of the villagers who both lived in relocation sites and hid in the jungle to avoid relocation describe their experiences.

Distribution and Retention of Khas (state) Land in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
марта, 2000

From peoples' point of view, the issue of khas land is so much so neglected and non-transparent that no one even knows what is the amount of khas land available in Bangladesh. No comprehensive research work has so far been undertaken to assess the impact of distribution of the khas land on the poor, and the whole range of problems associated with the retention and non-retention of khas land by the poor including the role of the power matrix (agents of power structure) in the process of alienating the poor from their inherent rights to own the khas land.

Starving Them Out: Forced Relocations, Killings and the Systematic Starvation of Villagers in Dooplaya District

Reports & Research
марта, 2000

This report consists of an Introduction and Executive Summary, followed by a detailed analysis of the situation supported by quotes from interviews and excerpts from SPDC order documents sent to villages in the region. As mentioned above, an Annex to this report containing the full text of the remaining interviews can be seen by following the link from the table of contents or from KHRG upon approved request..."

Forced Relocations, Killings and the Systematic Starvation of Villagers in Dooplaya Distric

Pavimentando el otro sendero: tierras rurales, el mercado y el Estado en América Latina

Institutional & promotional materials
марта, 2000
South America
Central America

Resumen En la mayoría de los países de América Latina, los temas relacionados con la tenencia de tierras ocupan un lugar destacado en el programa político. En la búsqueda de soluciones para este problema, ha llamado considerablemente la atención en los últimos años el mecanismo de mercado como un sistema potencialmente capaz de producir una distribución más eficiente y equitativa no sólo de recursos, sino también de oportunidades económicas. Estos cambios se evidencian, por ejemplo, en recientes reformas legales importantes en Bolivia, México o Perú.