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Displaying 349 - 360 of 2317

Compensation for Expropriated Community Farmland in Nigeria:

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2018

In Nigeria, the recurring impoverishment and other negative socioeconomic impacts endured by landholders affected by expropriation are well-documented and call into question the Land Use Act’s (LUA) effectiveness in protecting local land rights. The World Bank’s Land Governance Assessment Framework found that, in Nigeria, “a large number of acquisitions occurs without prompt and adequate compensation, thus leaving those losing land worse off, with no mechanism for independent appeal even though the land is often not utilized for a public purpose”.

Land and Conflict

Reports & Research
января, 2018

Land is often a critical aspect of conflict: it may be a root cause or trigger conflicts or may become an issue as the conflict progresses. Conflicts lead to forced evictions; the people who are displaced by conflict need somewhere to live and some land to farm or to graze their animals, often leading to further disputes over the use of land and other resources.

“No Cattle Would Be Left Out”: Farmer-Herder Conflict and the Challenge of Peacebuilding from Below in Ghana

Reports & Research
января, 2018

Farmer-Herder conflicts have grown in frequency across the Sahel region of West and Central Africa, including in Ghana, where they have evolved over time in phases. This article explores the drivers of farmer-herder conflict and the challenges it poses to sustainable peacebuilding in Ghana, using Agogo Traditional Area (ATA) in the Ashanti region of Ghana as a case study.

Land use conflicts and urban sprawl: Conversion of agriculture lands into urbanization in Hyderabad, Pakistan

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2018

Growing population (urbanization) has impact on land around the world. Therefore, this study was con- ducted to find out nexuses between urbanization and agricultural land conversion in the study area. Thus, the population of the study area was Hyderabad district, and the sample size was 192 respondents. Both primary and secondary data were used for this study. Hyderabad is leading fro urban population density per km2 in Pakistan, and second in the world with 40,000 people per km2 where it is 2nd largest urban city of Sindh, and 6th of the country.

Luchas costeñas por los derechos territoriales y el control de los emergentes espacios mediáticos de Nicaragua

Journal Articles & Books
января, 2018

Este artículo trata de las respuestas mediáticas a la crisis actual en la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua y los retrocesos a las luchas regionales por la autonomía y los derechos a la tierra. Proporciona un panorama detallado del actual conflicto en el Caribe Norte, en particular cómo las acciones violentas de los colonos ilegales están acelerando la inseguridad y la degradación ambiental y cómo organizaciones de derechos humanos como CEJUDCHAN están utilizando espacios como YouTube para responder a esta situación.

Annual Report on Human Rights Defenders at Risk in 2017

Reports & Research
декабря, 2017

As human rights defenders around the world put their lives on the line to challenge dictators, destructive multi-national corporations, religious conservatives, and oppressive regimes, there pervades a well-resourced and coordinated strategy of defamation, criminalisation and violence deployed to intimidate, marginalise and silence peaceful, powerful activists. The human cost has been high. More than 300 human rights defenders were murdered in 2017. Yet, in spite of this violence, there are more HRDs, working on more issues, in more countries, than ever before.


Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2017

According to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (1996), “Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are persons or a group of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid effects of armed conflict, situation of generalised violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognised State border”. There are more IDPs in the world than refugees.

Conflictos territoriales en San Martín: Diagnóstico y análisis de superposiciones y otros obstáculos a la titulación y gestión territorial de comunidades nativas (a diciembre de 2016)

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2017
South America

Desde 2016, luego de una década de pocos avances en la titulación de comunidades nativas (CCNN), varios proyectos de la cooperación internacional vienen brindando apoyo para el cumplimiento del compromiso del Estado peruano con los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía. Estos proyectos de cooperación financiera y técnica colaboran con el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI), como ente rector, y con las Direcciones Regionales Agrarias (DRA), como entidades ejecutoras.

Identifying key factors for mobilising under-utilised low carbon land resources: A case study on Kalimantan

Peer-reviewed publication
декабря, 2017

Mobilising under-utilised low carbon (ULC) land for future agricultural expansion helps minimising further carbon stock loss. This study examined the regency cases in Kalimantan, a carbon loss hotspot, to understand the key factors for mobilising ULC land via narrative interviews with a range of land-use actors and complementary desktop analyses.

Communs en crise

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2017

À travers les regards croisés de l’économie et de la géographie, et sur la base de plusieurs études de cas démonstratives des transformations en cours au Maroc des usages des ressources communautaires, à la fois endogènes et en lien avec des impulsions extérieures, l’objectif de cet article est d’interroger l’évolution de la notion de communs dans un contexte de crise de ces derniers.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2017
Eastern Asia

It is acknowledged that conflict over land is a major source of violence in various parts of Mindanao, particularly the prosed Bangsamoro region. Historical accounts trace the root cause of land issues and identity-based conflict to the introduction of the Regalian doctrine of land ownership by Spanish colonizers. During the American colonial regime at the turn of the 20th century, dispossession of land held by the original inhabitants of Mindanao accelerated, with an emphasis of titling lands for private ownership that clashed with the tradition of ancestral domain.