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Women's Digital Inclusion

Conference Papers & Reports
августа, 2018

The internet has great potential to promote women’s digital inclusion and gender equality, one of the pillars of sustainable development. But it can also pose new challenges to women’s rights and personal security, both online and offline.

This briefing, jointly published by the Internet Society and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), outlines ways in which policy makers can facilitate the internet’s positive potential through an enabling framework for women’s digital inclusion:

Independent Redd+ Governance Monitoring: A Guidance Document For Civil Society Organisations

Manuals & Guidelines
июня, 2018

This guidance document is an overview of key steps and considerations for the design and implementation of effective independent REDD+ governance monitoring systems. It draws on a growing body of experiences and case studies undertaken by CSOs within and outside the Transparency International movement, and across different tropical forest countries.

Simulating Stakeholder-Based Land-Use Change Scenarios and Their Implication on Above-Ground Carbon and Environmental Management in Northern Thailand

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2017

The objective of this study was to examine whether the coupling of a land-use change (LUC) model with a carbon-stock accounting approach and participatory procedures can be beneficial in a data-limited environment to derive implications for environmental management. Stakeholder-based LUC scenarios referring to different storylines of agricultural intensification and reforestation were simulated to explore their impact on above-ground carbon (AGC) for a period of twenty years (2009–2029). The watershed of Mae Sa Mai, Northern Thailand was used as a case study for this purpose.

A Stakeholders’ Analysis of Eastern Mediterranean Landscapes: Contextualities, Commonalities and Concerns

Peer-reviewed publication
ноября, 2017

This study aims at demonstrating and critically assessing high-level landscape stakeholders’ perceptions and understandings of landscape-related issues, threats and problems, in the Eastern Mediterranean, through a purposive comparative research survey of four case studies: Cyprus, Greece, Jordan and Lebanon.

Mapping For Rights' Mapping Methodology: A new approach to participatory mapping

Manuals & Guidelines
сентября, 2015
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea

This guide presents the 'Mapping for Rights' approach, which combines participatory mapping techniques, facilitation and hands-on support with the application of relevant and available technology. This combination of tools, guidance and equipment enables communities to identify advocacy goals that their maps could support. The maps are designed to provide a snapshot of the communities’ reality, including information on their history and socio- economic situation and demonstrate occupation and use of specific areas by communities.

Appréhender le droit marocain de l’immobilier: une approche transversale “ droit privé-droit public ”

Reports & Research
марта, 2015

Comment saisir dans sa globalité la dimension juridique se rapportant aux notions de propriété et de foncier au Maroc ? Vaste et complexe démarche qui englobe de nombreux aspects et disciplines, que ce soit à travers l’étude des régimes fonciers, des pratiques immobilières ou encore des politiques publiques mises en place par les différentes autorités du pays. Cette transversalité se retrouve tout d’abord dans une tentative de définition générale qui permettrait d’englober la totalité des caractéristiques afférentes à notre sujet : droit foncier ou droit de la propriété ?

Issues and Options for Improved Land Sector Governance in the Gambia

Reports & Research
июля, 2013

The Government of the Gambia has acknowledged that a prudent and sustainable management of the country‟s limited land resources is an essential precondition to poverty reduction and national food security. A critical step towards the realization of current national strategic objectives
would be an evaluation of the land governance environment to determine where the country stands. In order to evaluate and prioritize these issues more systematically, country experts utilized the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) developed by the World Bank and its

Steering Committee for the Agricultural Census. 2011. Agricultural Census Laos

Reports & Research
апреля, 2012

This report presents results of the Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11. It highlights the major findings of the census, featuring commentary and graphical presentations, as well as some summary tables. Results are shown for each province. The report is available in Lao and English as separate documents.   The Lao Census of Agriculture 2010/11 was the second agricultural census undertaken in Lao PDR; the first was conducted in 1998/99. Since the first census, there have been significant changes in the agricultural sector and these changes needed to be captured in another census.  

Fiche pays Congo

Reports & Research
ноября, 2009

Dans le cadre des travaux entrepris par le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » et du projet « Appui à l’élaboration des politiques foncières » financé par l’AFD, Alain Rochegude et Caroline Plançon ont actualisé des fiches de synthèse « décentralisation, acteurs locaux et foncier » à partir d’une analyse des textes législatifs appliqués dans 23 pays essentiellement de la zone AFR.

Fiche pays Maroc

Reports & Research
октября, 2009

712 550 km², si on inclut les 226 000 km² du Sahara occidental. Organisé dans un axe général sudouest/nord-est, avec l’Océan atlantique comme frontière ouest, la Méditerranée pour celle du Nord. Dans la moitié nord se situe un axe montagneux, dans la même orientation que l’axe général du pays, incluant du sud au nord, l’Anti-Atlas, le Haut Atlas (point culminant à 4 167 m), le Moyen Atlas, et le Rif. La partie sud du pays est désertique (sableuse et pierreuse).

Lands Commission Act

Legislation & Policies
сентября, 2007

Lands Commission Act CHAPTER 57:07 LANDS COMMISSION ACT CAP. 57:07 An Act to provide for the establishment of the Lands Commission to miti­ gate the problems of land allocation and improve land administration in The Gambia, and for connected matters.