Review and Gap Analysis on Land Use Planning Related Policies and Laws
Currently in Ethiopia land use planning is an issue of emergency.
Currently in Ethiopia land use planning is an issue of emergency.
The Mekong Region has experienced rapid agrarian change over the past two decades, driven by public sector policies promoting agricultural commercialisation to alleviate rural poverty, provide income opportunities, and modernize agricultural production systems. This transition has radically altered rural landscapes across the region, including Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
This video presents an overview of the first day of the 2024 GIZ Knowledge Exchange Workshop: Anchoring Practitioners' Experience in Responsible Land Governance Systems in Senegal.
Best practices around five thematic communities of practice were highlighted in Knowledge Streams, including cross-cutting themes such as climate resilience, gender inclusivity, and digitalization.
Les meilleures pratiques autour de cinq communautés de pratique thématiques ont été mises en évidence dans les flux de connaissances, y compris des thèmes transversaux tels que la résilience climatique, l'inclusion du genre et la numérisation.
Land is being degraded rapidly worldwide. Our current agricultural practices are causing soils worldwide to be eroded up to 100 times faster than natural processes replenish them. At this critical moment, enabling the full contribution of women to halting land degradation and tackling drought is needed now more than ever.
A welcome note for those new to the Global Land Agenda.
This report provides new data about the current and potential future losses and damages from climate-attributable weather events in the Sahel and Horn of Africa, with a specific focus on the agriculture and livestock sectors.
Los sistemas alimentarios y las estructuras agrarias han cambiado mucho a nivel global en las últimas décadas, con lo que han creado o reforzado algunas tendencias en el agro. Precisamente, una de las que ha adquirido mayor dinamismo y ocasionado gran debate en los últimos años es la feminización de la agricultura.
Cette note restitue les discussions d’une journée consacrée aux enjeux de sécurisation des systèmes pastoraux et agropastoraux qui a été organisée le 20 novembre 2024 à l’AFD à l’initiative du Comité technique « Foncier & développement » (CTFD).