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Ley Nº 19.023 - Crea el Servicio Nacional de la Mujer.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la creación del Servicio Nacional de la Mujer, cuya misión consiste en colaborar con el Ejecutivo en el estudio y proposición de planes generales y medidas conducentes a que la mujer goce de igualdad de derechos y oportunidades respecto del hombre, en el proceso de desarrollo político, social, económico y cultural del país.

Ley Nº 2.287 - Tratamiento integral de la situación jurídica, económica y social, individual y colectiva de la población indígena.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el tratamiento integral de la situación jurídica, económica y social, individual y colectiva de la población indígena, reconociendo y garantizando la existencia institucional de las comunidades y sus organizaciones, así como el derecho a la autodeterminación dentro del marco constitucional.

Ley Nº 3.247 - Crea la Comisión Provincial de Identificación y Adjudicación de Tierras a las Comunidades Aborígenes.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

Mediante la presente Ley se crea la Comisión Provincial de Identificación y Adjudicación de Tierras a las Comunidades Aborígenes, cuya función consiste en identificar las tierras fiscales ocupadas por aborígenes o por comunidades que los agrupen y requerir los relevamientos e inventarios disponibles a quien corresponda.

Law on quality, control and transport of mineral fertilizers.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Law provides for all necessary standards, rules, requirements and other administrative and technical provisions governing the quality inspection and classification, control and monitoring duties, and transport/storage standards for the correct management of mineral fertilizers on the territory of the Croatian Republic.The Law is divided into 29 articles including offences and related penal

Isabel Province Conservation Management Ordinance 1993.

LandLibrary Resource
Solomon Islands

The purpose of this Ordinance is to assist owners of land to protect and manage their land and land based resources for conservation, custom spiritual and amenity purposes. Any owner of land may apply to the Isabel Province Executive for a declaration that part or all of their land be set aside as a Conservation Area (sect. 4). The Executive may declare Conservation Areas under section 5.

Ontario Heritage Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern America

This Act concerns the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage of Ontario, it consists of 70 sections and is divided into seven Parts. Part I covers issues related to the administration of the Act, Part II is dedicated to the Ontario Heritage Foundation, its organization, powers and the management of funds and Part III is dedicated to the Conservation Review Board.

Queensland Coast Islands Act 1879.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act provides for the administration of certain islands in Torres Straits and in the area between Australia and New Guinea under the law in force in Queensland.

Implemented by: Queensland Coast Islands Proclamation Dated 18 July 1879. (1996-04-11)

Soil Survey Act 1929.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act concerns the entry into land by authorized personnel for the purpose of carrying out soil surveys, it consists of five sections. It spells out the powers of officers under the Act (sect. 3) and provides for related matters.

Mines Law (the State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No 8/94).

LandLibrary Resource
South-Eastern Asia

The Law provides for all the activities related to mining and exploiting the mineral resources, be them gemstone (ruby, diamonds, opal, sapphire etc.), metallic mineral (iron, gold, silver, zinc, copper, aluminium etc.), industrial mineral (coal, asbestos, etc.) and stone (marble, limestone, quartz, granite etc.). Large scale-production is encouraged as the exportation of mineral products.

Registered Land Act (No. 10 of 1990).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

“Land” here includes land covered with water and things affixed on land or growing on land (sect. 2). The Act shall apply to any area constituted as a Registration District by the Minister under section 5In each District a land registry shall be maintained in which information set out in section 6 shall be kept. Section 7 concerns appointment of land registration officers.