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Prescription Act.

LandLibrary Resource

The Act prescribes that rights over land and water which have been actually enjoyed for a period for not less than 20 years without interruption and which can be lawfully claimed under common law, will be, subject to conditions as established by this Act, be deemed to be "absolute and indefeasible".

Ley Nº 6.899 - Modifica el artículo 72 de la Ley Orgánica del Sistema Bancario Nacional.

LandLibrary Resource
Costa Rica
Central America

El citado artículo se refiere al plazo de venta de los bienes que le fueren transferidos a un banco en pago de obligaciones a su favor, o que le fueren adjudicados en remates judiciales. Asimismo, se autoriza a los bancos comerciales a vender directamente tierras con aptitud agrícola, pecuaria, forestal o agroindustrial debiendo conceder al comprador crédito para el desarrollo del inmueble.

Loi nº 87-19 déterminant le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles du domaine national et fixant les droits et obligations des producteurs.

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Africa

Cette loi fixe le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles. L'Etat est propriétaire, mais la loi consent aux collectifs agricoles un droit de jouissance cessible et perpétuel des terres. La loi décrit la nature et la composition des collectifs. Les agriculteurs acquièrent tous les droits sur ces terres, à l'exception du droit de propriété. Les collectifs doivent verser une redevance à l'Etat.

Resolution No. 333 promulgating Law No. 42 of 1987 concerning the re-organization of agrarian ownership under reclamation projects.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Asia

This Law focuses on the reorganization of landownership subject to agricultural land projects. It provides for ways to compensate landowners for expropriation and gives indications concerning the recording of land. It is the duty of the Lands and Appropriation Committee to notify the corresponding Real Estate Registration Department.

Regional Act No. 36 on extraordinary interventions in the field of soil conservation and afforestation

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

The Regional Counsel for Agriculture and Forestry shall be in charge of the drafting of a general plan concerning the interventions to be undertaken in the field of soil conservation, protection of the environmental balance in forests as well as nature preservation. The Act describes the approval procedure, which involves Mountain Communities.

Mining Act.

LandLibrary Resource
Brunei Darussalam
South-Eastern Asia

The Law provides for mining and exploitation of mineral resources as natural gas, petroleum, crude oil and assorted minerals. Prospectors must apply for a prospecting licence that shall be granted after the payment of a fee. Lands alienated for the purpose of mining operations shall be paid off as rent and royalties. Lands comprise also the continental shelf.

Settlement Authority Establishment Proclamation No. 78/1976.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

An autonomous public authority is established to take care of persons that have little or no land, the utilization of idle lands, the alleviation of unemployment, and the conservation of forest, soil and water resources in consultation with appropriate Government agencies. Powers and duties of the Authority are set out in section 6.

Land Reform Law.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Asia

The Law sets the maximum size ceilings of agricultural land which may belong to an individual, a family or an agricultural cooperative. Only in certain specific situations (e.g. inheritance) the amount of land may be in excess of the allowable size. The surplus of land shall be expropriated and the State shall pay compensation to the former owners.