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Showing items 6688 through 6696 of 73567.L’objectif central du PAN est de contribuer à la lutte contre la désertification et l’atténuation des effets de la sécheresse en vue d'une production soutenue et durable.
This Law, consisting of 91 articles divided into twelve Chapters, establishes the Rural Land Policy and Rural Land Regularization in the State of Roraima. This Law provides for the policy on rural land regularization of land settlements within the State territory of Roraima.
La présente loi crée de l’Office Rwandais de Gestion et d’Utilisation Foncières, et détermine également ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement.L’Office a les missions principales suivantes: mettre en œuvre les politiques, les lois, les stratégies, les règlements et les décisions du
To ensure environmental sustainability, development of socioeconomic sectors adapted to climate change, reduction of vulnerabilities and risks, and mitigation of GHG emissions as well as promoting economic effectiveness and efficiency and implementation of ‘green growth’ policies, the Parliament
This Regulation of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) implements provisions of the Community Rights Law of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands ("Community Rights Law"), and determines the rules, guidelines and procedures for the establishment of authorized forest communities and to access, ma
These Regulations amend the principal Regulations 1993 which set out the procedure to be followed in relation to applications for collective enfranchisement and lease renewal made under the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993.
Le présent arrêté fixe mesures du programme d'actions national destinées à protéger les eaux contre la pollution par les nitrates d'origine agricole.
These Regulations provide a consolidated system of environmental permitting in England and Wales. They transpose provisions of 15 Directives which impose obligations required to be delivered through permits or capable of being delivered through permits.
El presente Decreto declara de alto interés nacional la preservación de la Cuenca Alta del Rio Ozama e instruye al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, dar fiel cumplimiento a lo establecido en el Art.
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