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Designing and Implementing a Pro-Poor Land Recordation System
Designing and Implementing a Pro-Poor Land Recordation System

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Date of publication
августа 2019
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The challenges to tenure security in both urban and rural areas are not only large, but they are increasing due to the different types of pressures making land more and more scarce. There is growing acceptance that only by recognizing and supporting a continuum of land rights, can tenure security be reached for all people in an inclusive way.

GLTN’s partner network began implementing this vision in 2006 with the development of land tools, 18 of which have now been designed and tested, and are increasingly implemented at scale. The pro-poor land recordation system outlined in this publication is one of these tools, and is designed to be implemented on its own or, better, in combination with other land tools to reach inclusive tenure security.


Principal author: Bob Hendriks
Contributors: Danilo Antonio, Rohan Bennett, Jean du Plessis, John Gitau, Scola Porokwa, Paul van Asperen, Jaap Zevenbergen
Editing: Victoria Quinlan
Sponsors: The Norwegian Government, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, International Fund for Agricultural
Development, and the Netherlands Government
Layout and Printing: UNON, Publishing Services Section, Nairobi, ISO 14001:2004 certified

Cover photos @ MWEDO, Jaap Zevenbergen and UN-Habitat / Bob Hendriks

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