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Community Organizations Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
University or Research Institution
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+32(0)81 62 21 11


Passage des Déportés, 2
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Faculté à la pointe du développement durable et de l’éco-innovation, de la parcelle au consommateur, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech se consacre exclusivement aux sciences agronomiques et à l’ingénierie biologique.

Elle forme des bioingénieurs grâce à un programme complet en cinq ans. Quatre filières d’étude distinctes permettent aux étudiants de se spécialiser dans des domaines clés des sciences du vivant : sciences et technologies de l’environnementla gestion des forêts et des espaces naturelsles sciences agronomiquesla chimie et les bioindustries.

Ces spécialisations préparent les étudiants à gérer la bio-industrie de demain, à utiliser les biotechnologies, les agromatériaux et les biocarburants, à analyser les problèmes des eaux, des sols, de l’air, à gérer les ressources naturelles, à épurer, dépolluer, à mettre au point de nouveaux médicaments et de nouvelles formes d’aliments, etc.

Gembloux Agro Bio Tech offre également une formation complète d’architecte paysagiste, organisée en partenariat avec la Haute-Ecole Charlemagne et la Faculté d’architecture de l’ULB (La Cambre Horta).

Intégrée à l’Université de Liège depuis le 1e octobre 2009, Gembloux Agro Bio Tech est une faculté à taille humaine, ouverte sur le monde et dont la qualité de l’enseignement et l’excellence des recherches sont réputées internationalement depuis plus de 150 ans.



Displaying 16 - 20 of 31

Carbon sequestration in Danish forests. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000.

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000
Western Europe

The Danish national reports on land-use change and forestry has so far only considered C sequestration in existing forests and in afforestation areas on former arable land. The standing stock of wood in existing forests was 55.2 millions cubic m in 1990, and the annual net increment for 1990-1999 (wood increment minus harvested wood) was around 600,000 cubic m equivalent to 916 Gg CO2 per year. It is the strategy of the Danish Government to double the forested area over the next 80-100 years by encouraging afforestation of arable land.

Towards an integrated scientific approach for carbon accounting in forestry. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000

In the COST E21-Action "Contribution of Forests and Forestry to Mitigate Greenhouse Effects", emphasis is put on the quantification of carbon storage in the forest ecosystems and on the understanding of linkages between human activities and climate change, particularly the role of forests and forestry.

Research activities related to the role of forests and forestry in climate change mitigation in Austria. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 Sep 2000

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000
Western Europe

Forests and forestry play important roles in Austria with its close to 50/ forest cover. This paper provides details about the Austrian forest carbon inventory, discusses briefly the sources and sinks accounted under the land use, land use change and forestry articles of the Kyoto Protocol, and presents an integrated carbon model (Austrian C-Balance Model) that was developed to include not only the forest sector, but other sectors that are greenhouse-gas relevant.

Comparison of methods used within Member States for estimating CO2 emissions and sinks according to UNFCCC and EU Monitoring Mechanism: forest and other wooded land

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000

The national reporting for the EU Monitoring Mechanism on greenhouse gas emissions and for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change includes data for greenhouse gas emissions/removals from land-use change and forestry. By comparing the reports of EU15 Member States, we identified a lack of transparency, consistency and completeness concerning chapter 5 on land-use change and forestry. For chapter 5A (Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks) we discuss the differing ways of estimation in detail.

Calculation on the impacts of forestation, afforestation and reforestation on the C-sequestration potential in Belgian forests ecosystems. COST E21 Workshop. Contribution of forests and forestry to mitigate greenhouse effects. Joensuu (Finland). 28-30 ...

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2000

The Belgian climate policy is formulated at the federal level, requiring cooperation between regional and federal administrations. Around a fifth of the total area of Belgium is covered by forests. Around 80/ of the productive forests are in the Walloon region. Reported values for land use change and forestry categories give a potential of 2,057 kt eq. CO2 per year. Given the existing regional forest inventories (RFI): RFI1 for 1984 and RFI2 for 1999, an estimate has been made to consolidate reported data.