Displaying 36 - 38 of 38Regulation on soil quality standards.
The Regulation of the Minister of Environment consists of four paragraphs and one Annex. It defines that soil or land is considered as polluted when concentration of at least one substance exceeds the permitted value. The permitted values of concentration are defined in the Annex. The standards of the quality of soil and land are defined for three groups depending on their current and planned function: area under protection, cultivated land, industrial area.
Implements: Environment Protection Act. (2006-07-04)
Building Law.
The Law is composed of 11 Sections: General provisions (sect. 1); Independent technical functions in building industry (sect. 2); Rights and duties of building process members (sect. 3); Proceedings preceding start of building works (sect. 4); Building and permitting for use of building objects (sect. 5); Keeping building objects (sect. 6); Building accident (sect. 7); Organs of architectural-building administration and building inspection (sect. 8); Criminal provisions (sect. 9); Professional liability concerning building industry (sect. 10); Transitional and final provisions (sect. 11).
Regulation establishing record keeping of waters, water reclamation equipment and reclaimed land.
The Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of seven paragraphs and nine Annexes, establishes that records concerning waters, water reclamation equipment and reclaimed land must be kept by using: copies of browse maps of scale 1:25000 with such objects marked as waters, channels, flood fighting embankments, pump stations, borders of reclamation systems; copies of situation maps of scale of 1:5000 or 1:2000; list of waters, equipment and reclaimed lands; book (specified in Annex 1) of records of waters, equipment and reclaimed land; documents justif