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Community Organizations Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
Mokoro Land Rights In Africa
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106-108 Cowley Road
United Kingdom
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We are an international development consultancy working t

Mokoro is pleased to host the ’Land Rights in Africa’ site as a contribution to the land rights dialogue and related debates. This website was created in January 2000 by Robin Palmer, and was originally housed by Oxfam GB, where Robin worked as a Land Rights Adviser. A library of resources on land rights in Africa – with a particular focus on women’s land rights and on the impact of land grabbing in Africa – the portal has been well received by practitioners, researchers and policy makers, and has grown considerably over the years. Since 2012, Mokoro has been hosting and maintaining the site.


The views expressed on the Land Rights in Africa site as well as the publications hosted there, are those of the authors and do not represent those of Mokoro. Wherever possible, we link to the source website of publications.



Displaying 76 - 80 of 1120

Understanding the Opportunities and Barriers to Securing Customary Land Title in the Albertine Sub-Region;Uganda

февраля, 2020

In Kasangulu;a city of about 28,000 people on the outskirts of Kinshasa;the Drones for Land Clarification and the Empowerment of Women project is demonstrating how digital tools and participatory processes can help vulnerable communities formalise and protect their land and property rights;while reducing potential conflicts and modernising land governance systems. The pilot project helped the DRC land administration modernise its land management tools and establish a digital;automated cadastral database for Kasangulu.

Climate change;conflict;migration;and land grabs: 35 years of village life in Mali

февраля, 2020

Discusses her new book exploring the many forces and pressures facing people and their families in Dlonguébougou;Mali;which reveal a microcosm of powerful forces playing out across Africa. Life remains highly seasonal. Land which once seemed so abundant is now scarce. The open bush of 1980 is no more. Population growth is part of the story;but so is land grabbing. Several villages were turfed off their ancestral lands in 2010 to make way for a large sugar-cane plantation run by a Chinese company. Land shortage means crop yields have fallen. Grazing has run scarce.

Land rights and investments: why business standards are not enough

февраля, 2020

Notes that a record 212 land and environmental defenders were reported killed in 2019 but believes that the real number was certainly higher. Mining;logging and agribusiness were the main drivers of this. States that ‘verifying cases from Africa continues to be difficult. Limited monitoring of the issue by civil society;media repression and localised conflict mean attacks are probably underreported in some regions.Seven were reported killed in DR Congo;Burkina Faso;Uganda;Ghana and Kenya. Makes recommendations to governments;companies and investors.

Beyond Title: How to Secure Land Tenure for Women

февраля, 2020

Introduces a new IIED blog series looking at principles to strengthen women’s land rights. Over the past 15 years pressures on land across sub-Saharan Africa have increased and these have tended to affect women more severely as they have little control over the land they traditionally use. Awareness of the importance of women’s land rights is higher than ever and global commitments to women’s land rights have never been stronger;yet there is no consensus on which strategies most effectively strengthen women’s land rights in practice.

Land and climate change: Rights and environmental displacement in Mozambique

января, 2020

This commentary highlights the importance of land tenure security for women and indigenous peoples. Land titles are often used as a proxy for women’s land security;but focusing on titling alone does not lead to greater tenure security for women. To ensure tenure security;the development community;policymakers and practitioners must expand the range of interventions that address constraints women face when exercising their land rights.