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Formerly at the Global Environment Facility in the Lands Degradation Portfolio, World Bank Group in Washington DC, Andrew is a PhD researcher at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He is working on understanding the socio-economic and ecological implications of large scale land acquisitions in Zambia, focusing on the farm block program in the country that the government has been promoting as a vehicle for rural development and food security.
Displaying 21 - 30 of 58Journal of Geography and Geology
Journal of Geography and Geology (JGG) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal published quarterly by the Canadian Center of Science and Education in both print and online versions. The online version is free to access and download.
Land Tenure, Title Deeds, and Farm Productivity in the Southern Province of Zambia
This study relates to an on-going debate as to whether customary African land tenure must be reformed or converted to a statutory, individualised land tenure system (often referred to as a ‘titled’ system) as a pre-requisite to agricultural development. Past arguments in favour of titling claim that traditional tenure is insecure for the small farmer and thus creates disincentives for land improvements; that it prevents land from being used as collateral for credit; and that it prevents the transfer of land from inefficient users to efficient ones.
Copperbelt University
The motto of the Copperbelt University is "Knowledge and Service" . Enshrined in the motto are the following strands:
International Knowledge Sharing Platform
The IISTE is an IT firm delivering IT supports to education professionals and research institute around world.
Mission statement of IISTE
“Accelerating Global Knowledge Creation and Sharing”.
In partnership government, community organizations, and education related foundations, IISTE offers a variety of programs and activities to promote education development, international collaboration, including
Evaluating the Impacts of Expanded Trade and Investment in Mining on Forests
This paper analyzes the implications of copper mining in Zambia on customary rights to land and forests, and the societal stakes associated with foreign investment in the mining industry. Copper mining affects forests, and in turn the people with customary rights to those forests, in a number of direct and indirect ways, from deforestation during green site development and selective harvesting of timber to the significant but indirect pressures over forests through infrastructure development and the population pull effect of mining towns.
Potential biofuel feedstocks and production in Zambia
The need for energy security and climate change mitigation have increased blending mandates worldwide; in Southern Africa, demand for biofuels could increase following South Africa’s planned blending mandates. However, land constraints limit local industry expansion, with demand likely to be met in land-abundant countries. This paper reviews the status of the biofuels industry in Zambia, as a land-abundant country, for the local and wider Southern African market. It identifies potential biofuel feedstocks as crucial elements for establishing a viable industry.
Gender inequalities in access to and benefits derived from natural fisheries in The Barotse Floodplain, Western Province, Zambia
BarotseFloodplain, Western Province of Zambia
•Multiple demographic, socioeconomic and climatic challenges and vulnerabilities
•Variety of livelihood opportunities: flood –provide fish & aquatic plants; water subside –fertile ground to cultivate crops
•Cattle, forest products, fish trade, piecework
Social and gender analysis report
There is increasing awareness that integrating gender into development frameworks is critical for effective implementation of development strategies. In working to alleviate rural poverty, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) recognizes that “business as usual” gender integration approaches will not deliver lasting and widespread improvements in agricultural productivity, poverty reduction and food security. In response, AAS operationalized a gender transformative approach (see Cole et al. 2014a, 2014b).
Improved Agricultural Technology Adoption in Zambia
The use of modern seed varieties and other improved technologies is essential for farmers to significantly increase their crop harvest and improve their livelihoods. All over Sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture productivity growth has remained very low over many decades irrespective of gender of the farmer. However, studies have shown that women farmers fare worse than the male counterparts in terms of adoption of improved technology and productivity.
The Role of Culture and Belief Systems in Shaping Customary Land Reform
In their quest for economic development through increased private investment, many developing countries are reformulating land policies to pave way for the transformation of communal land rights into private property. However, these customary land reform efforts have often been frustrated by indigenous people who feel such proposals threaten rural livelihoods and undermine the traditional political structures. Most of the research on this subject has focused on whether, how and/or to what extent the objectives of land reforms (e.g.