Community / Land projects / Soil, water and energy management for resilient livelihoods
Soil, water and energy management for resilient livelihoods
03/19 - 12/20
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The project is implemented in Argobba special woreda, South Wollo zone, Amhara regional state. The woreda is selected for the intervention because: - prone to multi hazards such as drought, flood and erosion, - with severe land degradation and chronic food insecurity, - highly vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change, - having Woreda profile data that can be used as baseline information for measuring the impact changes of the proposed project, - representative site of interfacing the pastoralists and farming for up scaling the good practices.
The objective of the project is to enhance food security and reduce vulnerability to adverse impacts of climate change by integrating soil, crop, livestock and natural resource management practices, which include among others: - watershed based soil and water conservation - improving access to water and improved crop varieties - improving production and productivity of livestock; - introducing renewable energy sources for community use.
Target Groups
3,411 HHs or 18,784 beneficiaries in 12 communities