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Indigenous Peoples

indigenous communities
indigenous community

People whose ancestors inhabited a place or a country when persons from another culture or ethnic background arrived on the scene and dominated them through conquest, settlement, or other means and who today live more in conformity with their own social, economic, and cultural customs and traditions than those of the country of which they now form a part.


Source: Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, UNHCHR, 1991.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 1115
Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region
Policy Papers & Briefs
May 2024
South-Eastern Asia

The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and rights over forest areas in the region. More than 70 million people in the region depend on forest areas but lack formal legal rights to use, manage, and benefit from them.

Conference Papers & Reports
April 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean

La presente memoria ha sido preparada con el fin de documentar los principales hallazgos, recomendaciones y lecciones aprendidas derivados del ciclo de aprendizaje regional “Lecciones Aprendidas para la Inversión en Delimitación y Reconocimiento de Territorios Indígenas y Afrodescendientes de América Latina”, organizado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricu

Conference Papers & Reports
February 2024

El 17 de septiembre de 2023, más de 70 representantes de titulares de derechos y sus aliados se reunieron en un diálogo mundial sobre las formas en que la financiación climática puede o debe apoyar su visión de futuro en un mundo afectado por el cambio climático.

defensores tambopata
January 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean

Los cinco episodios del podcast ‘Guardianes del Tambopata’, producido por la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA), se encuentran disponibles en las plataformas de Spotify, Amazon Music y Deezer.

Reports & Research
December 2023


¿Quiénes poseen la tierra del mundo?

Estado mundial y reconocimiento de los derechos a la tierra de los Pueblos Indígenas, Afrodescendientes y comunidades locales de 2015 a 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Forest Tenure Pledge
Reports & Research
November 2023

This second Forest Tenure Funders Group (FTFG) annual report analyzes progress against the five-year, $1.7 billion commitment to the tenure rights and forest guardianship of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) in tropical forest countries announced at COP26.

Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Self-determination:
Manuals & Guidelines
November 2023

“Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is the first line of defense when investors and government officials seek to develop projects that may affect Indigenous communities, lands, territories, and resources. For this reason, Indigenous Peoples must be prepared to engage with FPIC from a fully informed, proactive stance.

Reports & Research
November 2023

Le deuxième rapport annuel du Groupe de bailleurs de fonds pour la tenure forestière (FTFG) analyse les progrès réalisés par rapport à l'engagement quinquennal de 1,7 milliard de dollars en faveur des droits fonciers et de la garde forestière des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales (PA et CL) dans les pays forestiers tropicaux, annoncé lors de la COP26.

Reports & Research
November 2023

Este segundo relatório anual do Grupo de Fomento ao Manejo Florestal (FTFG) analisa o progresso em relação ao compromisso de cinco anos e US$ 1,7 bilhão com os direitos de posse e tutela florestal de povos indígenas e comunidades locais (PIs e LCs) em países de floresta tropical, anunciado na COP26.

Foto: Revista Etnografica
Journal Articles & Books
November 2023

A diversidade tem sido tratada por várias áreas do conhecimento. Cabe à antropologia oferecer perspetivas descentradas sobre a sua existência histórica.