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Bananas of Samoa: A catalogue of banana diversity seen on the island of Upolu

december, 2020

This is a catalogue of the banana diversity seen on the island of Upolu (Samoa) during the banana expedition that took place from July, 22nd 2019 to August, 2nd 2019. It was organized by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Samoa (MAF) and the Pacific Community. The expedition was funded by the Crop Trust with support of the CGIAR CRP on Roots, Tubers and Bananas.

CCAFS impact assessment of national policy engagement in Kenya and livelihood impact of uptake of climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices - 2021

december, 2020

The study assessed the impact of CCAFS engagement at policy and household level in Kenya. Specifically, the study assessed the extent to which CCAFS engagement contributed to the observed changes in terms of shaping policy and CSA coordination among others. At the household level the study assessed the factors influencing uptake of CSA practices among smallholder farmers and the subsequent impact of the CSA practices on household dietary diversity, value of household livestock holding and household assets and per capita monthly expenditure as well as GHG emission.

A rapid tree diversity assessment method for cocoa agroforestry systems

december, 2020

Biodiversity is recognized as an essential part of sustainable development efforts, however reducing biodiversity loss is a key global challenge that requires updated data on biodiversity status at different scales. Cocoa agro-forests include tree species besides cocoa, a practice beneficial to biodiversity, ecosystem conservation and farming households. We present a stepwise procedure to test and select a method that rapidly assesses biodi-versity in cocoa agroforests based primarily on species richness and counts of non-cocoa trees.

Developing Public-Private Partnerships for effective access and use of climate information services by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali

december, 2020

This report describes a methodological approach for the co-development of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for effective access and use of climate information service by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali. The implementation started with the characterisation of the strengths and weaknesses of potential public-private partners institutions including the National Agency of the Great Green Wall (ANGMVM), the National Meterological Agency (MALI-METEO), the Mobile phone company (Orange Mali) and the Institute of Rural Economy (IER).

Synthesis on application of multi-stakeholder platforms for land restoration and sustainable land management in Tanzania

december, 2020

Multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs), also referred to as innovation platforms or learning alliances, is a form of governance that utilizes pooled resources to address existing regulatory, participation, resource and learning gaps bringing together the strengths of private, public, and nonprofit partners . This document provides a synthesis on the major outcomes, elements of success, challlenges and opportunities for multi-stakeholder platforms in land restoration and sustainable land management in Tanzania.

Options for improved livestock activity data collection and management to support measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) in Ethiopia

december, 2020

To complement an ongoing CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) project ‘Enhancing capacities for MRV of sustainable livestock action in East Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia)’, which is implemented by UNIQUE forestry and land use, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) supported CCAFS to implement a Small Research Activity (SRA) entitled ‘Building capacities for an integrated livestock MRV system in Ethiopia’.

Mise en place de la plateforme d’innovation des chaînes de valeur agricoles climato-intelligentes dans la région de Kaffrine au Sénégal

december, 2020

Depuis 2011, le programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la
Sécurité alimentaire (CCAFS) soutient la mise en œuvre d’une agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC)
au Sénégal à travers le développement et la mise à l’échelle de technologies et pratiques AIC avec l’Institut
Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA).
Dans ce cadre, le CCAFS a mis en œuvre de 2019 à 2021, un projet de « développement de chaînes de

Livestock feeding systems and feed gaps in East African smallholder farms

december, 2020

Dairy development is a promising pathway out of poverty for smallholder farmers as demand for animal-sourced foods is projected to rise. Feed is a critically limiting factor in productivity of smallholder dairy systems in East Africa. This study aims to introduce and provide proof-of-concept for a relatively simple approach to quantify feeding systems and feed gaps in data-scarce smallholder systems. Feed gap here is defined as the difference between livestock feed demand for an attainable milk production level (attainable feed demand) and actual feed supply at individual herd level.

A Gender-responsive approach to Community-Based Adaptation in Guinayangan, Quezon

december, 2020

This study highlighted the importance of farmers’ understanding of the climate change effects, and identified recommendations on how to target women and enhance support services to increase the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers. However, measures to increase women’s participation should be tailored to the local context. It would not be prudent to generalize recommendations for engaging women across different geographic, agroecological and socio-cultural contexts. Land tenure considerations must also be factored in planning the CSA interventions.

Developing Public-Private Partnerships for effective access and use of climate information services by farmers and pastoralists in the Great Green Wall intervention zone of Mali - Findings from the project “Addressing SDG15 in the Sahel by Building P...

december, 2020

This research activity pursues three specific objectives: 1)Evaluate existing collaboration and mechanisms for mainstreaming CIS and agro-advisories into the activities conducted by the Great Green Wall National Agency of Mali; 2) Develop Public-Private Partnerships for the sustainable management of climate risks in the zone of the Great Green Wall; 3) Define activities, roles and
responsibilities and possible contractual issues for the sharing of costs and benefits between the actors involved in Climate Information Service activities in Mali.