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Ley Hipotecaria. Texto refundido.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

La presente Ley Hipotecaria norma el derecho hipotecario, cuya finalidad es la armonización de los asientos del Registro de la Propiedad. El Registro de la Propiedad tiene por objeto la inscripción o anotación de los actos y contratos relativos al dominio y demás derechos reales sobre bienes inmuebles.

Ordonnance n° 68/042 du 28 aout 1968 modifiant l’article 47 de la loi n° 63-441 du 9 janvier 1964 relative au domaine national.

LandLibrary Resource
Central African Republic
Middle Africa

La présente ordonnance modifie l’article 47 (territoire urbain) de la loi n° 63-441 du 9 janvier 1964 relative au domaine national.

Modifie: Loi nº 63-441 du 9 janvier 1964 relative au domaine national. (1964-01-09)

Ordonnance n° 67/28 du 21 avril 1967 modifiant l’article 72 de la loi n° 63-441 du 9 janvier 1964 relative au domaine national.

LandLibrary Resource
Central African Republic
Middle Africa

La présente ordonnance modifie l’article 72 de la loin°63-441 du 9 janvier 1964 relative au domaine national.Aux termes de l’article 72 nouveau, les dispositions de l’article 47 sont applicables gratuitement aux personnes physiques de nationalité centrafricaine ainsi qu’aux personnes morales de droit public.Elles sont également applicables, après avis du Conseil des Ministres, aux personnes phy

Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131-1136, 78 Stat. 890).

LandLibrary Resource
United States of America
Northern America

This Act directs the Secretary of the Interior, to review every roadless area of 5,000 or more acres and every roadless island within National Wildlife Refuge and National Park Systems and to recommend to the President the suitability of each such area or island for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System.

Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (16 USC 1271-1287).

LandLibrary Resource
United States of America
Northern America

This Act establishes a National Wild and Scenic Rivers System and prescribes the methods and standards through which additional rivers may be identified and added to the system. The Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to study areas and submit proposals to the President and Congress for addition to the system.

Ley Nº 2.684 – Exoneración de contribución directa a los terrenos para descanso de hacienda.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

En virtud de esta Ley se autoriza al Poder Ejecutivo a declarar exentos del pago de contribución directa a los propietarios que destinen la totalidad o una parte de sus terrenos al descanso y pastoreo o forrajes de los arreos de ganado que transiten por los caminos públicos.

Law on Property.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Law determines tenure regimes and property relations in the Republic of Moldova. Property rights may be exercised on land, undergroundwaters, flora and fauna, immovables, equipment, elements of "spiritual and material culture", money, securities as well as on intellectual property. It is divided as follows: General provisions (chap. 1); Private property (chap.

Land Acquisition Act, 1967 (Act No. 47 of 1967).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

"Land" is defined in this Act as "any parcel of land held for a Government lease as defined in the Freehold Titles (Conversion) and Government Leases Act, 1963 or under a right of occupancy as defined in the Land Ordinance and any portion of, or any estate or interest in, such land (sect. 2). Provisions of Part II of the Act provide for compulsory acquisition of land for public purposes.

Land Acquisition Ordinance.

LandLibrary Resource

This Ordinance makes provision for the acquisition by the State of land which in the consideration of the Governor-in-Council should be acquired for public purposes. The Governor-in-Council may cause a declaration to this effect and the declaration shall be conclusive evidence that the land to which it relates is required for public purposes.

Basic Agrarian Act (No. 5 of 1960).

LandLibrary Resource
South-Eastern Asia

The Act establishes that the right to administer the soil, water and air is vested in the State. The State, therefore, has the authority to: (a) regulate the allotment, use, supply and maintenance of soil, water and air; (b) regulate the legal relations between persons and soil, water and air; (c) regulate the legal relations between persons and legal acts concerning soil, water and air.