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Displaying 277 - 288 of 613

Assessing Fiscal Implication of the Recent Changes in Poverty Lines and Revision of Allocation Norms of Capital Expenditures and Resources for Targeted Programs

марта, 2013

There have been important changes in the
budgeting process in Vietnam since 2006 when the government
of Vietnam instituted a revolutionary reform in the
management and allocation of the state budget. For the
period of 2007-2010, the norms include ethnic minority
population data, and poverty rates. The purpose of this
research assignment is to describe the evolution of
budgeting mechanisms in recent years, in association with

Exploring Options to Institutionalize the Dzud Disaster Response Product in Mongolia

марта, 2013

This study aims to provide the guiding
principles to the government of Mongolia (GOM) towards
creating comprehensive ex-ante risk management strategy
based on the assessment of the pros and cons of historical
approach of livestock risk management as well as best
practices around the world. For instance, it proposes an
option for the National Disaster Indemnification Program
(NDIP) that acts as a state insurance enterprise and

Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda : A Secondary Cities Support Programme

марта, 2013

This report describes theTransforming
Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda. A Secondary Cities
Support Program (TSUPU), is the first national initiative
within the Cities Alliance's global programme, Land,
Services and Citizenship for the Urban Poor (LSC). The first
premise of the Medium Term Strategy is that the Cities
Alliance should prioritise working with those governments
already committed to change and reform over time for three

Albania Social Assistance Policy Note : Key Challenges and Opportunities

марта, 2013

Reducing poverty continues to be one of
the main priorities of the Government of Albania. Currently,
Albania has an ample platform to provide social protection
to its citizens through social insurance, social assistance
and employment programs. However, these programs are not
efficiently linked to each other, which can lead to unclear
and occasionally overlapping roles among the programs. Among
these social protection programs, Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) is

Local Government Discretion and Accountability : Application of a Local Governance Framework

марта, 2013

This report evaluates the framework of
decentralization reforms instituted in decentralizing
countries. Decentralization is a multi-faceted process which
includes giving discretion to local governments and
establishing accountability mechanisms at three different
levels of governance: political, administrative and fiscal.
Therefore, the analysis of the decentralization reforms
should also be based on an inter-disciplinary approach. The

Mapping Serbia's Growth

марта, 2013

Big cities are becoming even bigger and
these have been and will be the key drivers of economic
growth in Serbia. Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac,
Serbia's four largest cities contributed to about 60
percent of the increase of value added in the economy over
the period 2001-2008. These four largest cities in 2008
accounted for about two thirds of country s economy. Spatial
characteristics of foreign direct investments inflow,

Towards a Fiscal Pact : The Political Economy of Decentralization in Bolivia

марта, 2013

The decentralization game in Bolivia has
been altered quite significantly with the presence of new
bargainers at the departmental level. Two, opposing groups
have emerged and which follow intricate strategies to
enforce their claims. The highland departments are strongly
aligned to the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party and the
charismatic leadership of the country's first
indigenous leader Evo Morales. The Media Luna departments in

Indonesia : Agriculture Public Expenditure Review 2010

марта, 2013

The agriculture sector has been and will
continue to be important for poverty alleviation efforts in
Indonesia. Indonesia was very successful in increasing
agriculture productivity during the 1970s and up to the
early 1990s, but productivity stagnated during most of the
1990s, partly as a result of declining public investments.
Public spending on agriculture has increased significantly
in the last decade, but a large share of that spending has

Democratic Republic of Congo - The Potential for Growth : An Investment Climate Assessment

марта, 2013

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
is the third most populous county in Sub Saharan Africa and
has many natural advantages that would enable it to
experience rapid sustained economic growth and rapid poverty
alleviation. These include rich and diverse natural
resources, such as mining and hydroelectric potential,
abundant fertile land, and a large domestic market. The
country is emerging from conflict and democratic election,

Colombia - Programmatic Strategic Engagement on Public Sector Management and Governance : Concept Note

марта, 2013

This concept note presents the strategic
engagement of the World Bank in the areas of public sector
management and governance in Colombia. It describes the
short and medium term approach through which the Bank will
provide support to the country on those areas of reform, as
well as their links and synergies with other sectors
activities. It also provides a summary of the Bank's
public sector management and governance recent activities

Republic of Togo : Urban and Peri-Urban Development and Policy Note

марта, 2013

This review concludes that for
Togo's urban and peri-urban areas to sustainably grow,
issues of urban governance and development need to be
approached in a comprehensive manner, driven by well -guided
policies developed in partnership with the people to support
Sub-National Government Authorities and Entities(SGAs) in
carrying out their functions efficiently. To meet evolving
challenges of urbanization and decentralization, the

Republic of Namibia - Addressing Binding Constraints to Stimulate Broad Based Growth : A Country Economic Report

марта, 2013

This Country Economic Report (CER) is a
contribution to the ongoing debate among decision makers and
diverse stakeholders in Namibia on the outlook for sustained
growth and employment creation that addresses distribution
issues as well. The report addresses the following main
questions. What has been the past growth and employment
record and what can be learned? What are the main binding
constraints to growth? What has been the impact of this