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Displaying 325 - 336 of 613

Community Driven Development in Urban Upgrading

августа, 2012

The Bank has been involved in a number
of urban upgrading projects over the last three decades,
which have demonstrated that quality of life in slums can be
improved through realistic policies, investments and
implementation processes. This note reviews community-driven
development (CDD) in World Bank-assisted urban upgrading
projects. The note identifies how CDD approaches have been
applied in such projects. The review focuses on a small

Malawi - Institutionalizing Traditional Community-Based Natural Resource Management

августа, 2012

Malawi, a landlocked country in
southern, central Africa, depends on its natural resources,
especially the agriculture sector, to meet the demands of a
population of about 11 million people. The country has
developed a remarkable fishing industry, keeping in mind
that about 20 percent of the area is covered by water,
including the famous Lake Malawi (called Lake Nyasa by the
riparian states, Mozambique and Tanzania). Lake Malawi/Nyasa

Ghana - Kanye Ndu Bowi : An Indigenous Philosophical Context for Conflict Management

августа, 2012

This article intends to summarize
findings from a study carried out by the author between the
winter of 1995 and spring of 1996 among the Buems on the
Ghana side of the Ghana-Togo border. The objective in this
paper is to identify and discuss the main philosophical
contexts within which the indigenous Buem conflict
management system operates. The paper also assesses the
relevance of these principles to the management of modern

Uganda - Extension, Decentralization, and Village Participation

августа, 2012

In Uganda, efforts to decentralize the
management of the extension service and to launch the
village participation in land development exercise have led
to a number of issues, outcomes and expectations. This
overview looks at what can be realistically expected from
the extension service (in terms of contact with farmers),
from decentralization (in terms of management improvement),
and from the village participation exercise (in terms of

Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Northeast Brazil

августа, 2012

The Northeast region of Brazil has long
been the single largest pocket of rural poverty in Latin
America. With a combined area of 1.6 million square
kilometers-16 percent of Brazil's total-the Northeast
is home to 45 million people, 28 percent of Brazil's
total population , of whom 5.4 million people live on about
$1 a day and a total of 10.7 million on $1.60 or less per
day. Nearly half of all rural communities are in the

Rural Electrification : Lessons Learned

августа, 2012

The note focuses on the external
benefits of rural electrification (RE), i.e., improved
access to communication, education, and economic
opportunities, in addition to extended health services. It
outlines key lessons to scaling up RE, namely macroeconomic
stability, continued government commitments, and
institutional capacity. However, it also suggests that grid
extension is not always cost-effective, rather,

Gender and Law : Eastern Africa Speaks

августа, 2012

Gender issues, particularly with respect
to women's status and rights, have for a considerable
period, been in the forefront of donors' dialogue on
social issues with Africa. While Africa countries have fully
acknowledged the seriousness of the issues and the urgent
need for action, the dialogue has been largely donor-driven
and issues and priorities been donor-set. Recognizing the
need for a new approach in this important area for

West Africa : Community Based Natural Resource Management

августа, 2012
Western Africa

This has to be accomplished against a
background of high illiteracy rates, rapidly growing
populations, low and erratic rainfall, inherently infertile
soils, and development strategies which have had a strong
urban bias. Under such conditions, traditional production
systems are unable to sustain the population. Without
significant change, land degradation will accelerate and the
natural resource base on which agricultural production

Uganda : The First Urban Project

августа, 2012

The project's original objectives
were to: a) improve living conditions and alleviate poverty
in Kampala; b) improve urban financial management; and 3)
strengthen institutional capacity. As part of the mid-term
restructuring, monitor modifications were made to these
objectives: 1) strengthen the Kampala City Council's
(KCC) ability to better deliver, finance, and maintain basic
urban services for all Kampala residents, particularly the

Prioritization Through Participation : Agricultural Investments in Cameroon

августа, 2012

Accounting for around a third of the
1996 Goss Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 9 billion (second
only to oil), and almost three-fourths of all employment,
agriculture is a dominant sector of the Cameroonian economy.
Also, as in most African countries, poverty in Cameroon is
concentrated in rural areas, with more than 80 percent
(approximately 5.5 million) of all poor people living in
such areas. The Government of Cameroon's objectives

Mali - A Participatory Approach to Livestock Development

августа, 2012

The livestock sector in Mali accounts
for 43 percent of cattle exports in the Sahel sub-region.
However, while the sub-sector accounted for 28.6 percent of
agriculture's contribution to Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), investment in it amounted to only 10.7 percent of the
total budget allocation to rural development. The African
Financial Community (CFA) devaluation in January 1994
increased the competitiveness of red meat from Sahelian

Rural Development, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

августа, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

? This article outlines the role that
the World Bank will play in supporting a modified rural
development strategy for the Sub-Saharan Africa region: The
Bank will be more selective in targeting countries for
assistance in rural development programs, focusing on those
that demonstrate commitment to appropriate agricultural
policy and investment. It will expand its information,
education and communication initiatives to help governments