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Legally and Illegally Logged Out: Drivers of Deforestation & Forest Degradation in Myanmar

Reports & Research
февраля, 2016

... Myanmar’s forest and timber sector has been central to the country’s economy and society, particularly over the last century. Since the colonial era, timber has been a major export revenue earner to Burma/Myanmar and thus subject to much political debate (Bryant 1996). In addition to timber export revenues, the forests of Myanmar have always provided timber and non-timber forest products for domestic consumption as well as a range of environmental services including water catchment, habitat for flora and fauna, carbon storage, and soil nutrient recovery in rotational agriculture.

Appropriate Small-scale Forest Harvesting Technologies for Southeast Asia: A Guidebook for Southeast Asia

Training Resources & Tools
января, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

This guidebook - accompained by a series of factsheets - on appropriate harvesting and transport technologies highlights the available options to local communities that can help them realize their greater share in the primary stages of timber and bamboo-based value chains. Scroll down to download the factsheets.

Desmatamento nos Assentamentos da Amazônia: Histórico, Tendências e Oportunidades

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Os assentamentos de reforma agrária têm assumido um papel de destaque em relação ao desmatamento da Amazônia nos últimos cinco anos. Atualmente cerca de 8% do território dos estados amazônicos (41,8 milhões de hectares) encontra-se destinado aos 3.589 assentamentos de reforma agrária.

Subcontratación en el sector forestal maderero chileno e impacto del manejo forestal sustentable implementado en empresa mandante sobre el clima organizacional: Un estudio de caso

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Las exigencias en la industria forestal están enfocadas a alcanzar estándares de productividad y un desempeño socialmente responsable con las comunidades, trabajadores y empresas contratistas. Al igual que en otros sectores, ha habido una importante especialización funcional que ha llevado a las grandes empresas a externalizar parte de sus procesos de la cadena productiva, generando importantes vínculos con empresas contratistas, quienes deben cumplir nuevos estándares internacionales.

National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025.

National Policies
декабря, 2015

The National Strategy for Agricultural Development 2016-2025 is a sectoral policy aiming at achieving in ten years in the agricultural field the following results, together with economic, social and environmental consequences: (i) high agricultural productivity; (ii) efficiency in the use of irrigation water; (iii) high use of technology; (iv) high partnership between public and private sectors; (v) competitive agricultural marketing linking production to demand in the internal and external markets; (vi) national quality and accreditation systems internationally recognized; (vii) agricultur

Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF COTE D’IVOIRE)

National Policies
декабря, 2015
Côte d'Ivoire

La vision globale du Plan d’Investissement Forestier (PIF) est de : restaurer la productivité des ressources forestières et de les gérer de manière durable ; créer des incitations ; sécuriser le régime foncier et les droits d'accès aux terres en vue de créer un environnement propice à la transformation ; et mettre en œuvre l’agriculture zéro déforestation pour réduire la pression sur les forêts et améliorer les moyens de subsistance.Pour la réalisation de cette vision, quatre (4) objectifs spécifiques ont été identifiés, notamment: Restaurer, protéger et surveiller les forêts naturelles dan

Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunity Assessment for Uganda

Reports & Research
декабря, 2015

The degradation of forests is a threat to both the functioning of ecosystems and the well-being of human communities. Nations have for several years grappled with the challenge of finding ways of restoring forest landscapes that suit the ecological constraints of particular sites as well as the socio-economic circumstances of the landowners or land users, and ensure resilience under various future uncertainties. Forest landscape restoration is a feasible option through which these challenges can be addressed.

Forest landscape restoration for Asia-Pacific forests

Reports & Research
декабря, 2015

The Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) approach, which is still in its nascent stages of development, is rapidly gaining attention as a more appropriate way to restore both degraded forests as well as the surrounding degraded landscape. The great value of this approach is that it integrates forest restoration actions with the desirable objectives of the landscape, and it is undertaken with the full participation of the people who will have a role in the management of the restored areas over the longer term.

Success from the ground up: Participatory monitoring and forest restoration

Reports & Research
декабря, 2015

New global forest restoration initiatives present an unparalleled opportunity to reverse the trend of deforestation and forest degradation in the coming years. This effort will require the collaboration of stakeholders at all levels, and most importantly, the participation and support of local people. These ambitious restoration initiatives will also require monitoring systems that allow for scalability and adaptability to a range of local sites.

Engendering social and environmental safeguards in REDD+: lessons from feminist and development research

Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2015

Drawing on feminist and development literature, this paper suggests several important lessons and considerations for building equitable approaches to REDD+. Specifically, we illustrate the conceptual and practical significance of women’s participation for achieving the goals of REDD+as well as the limits and opportunities for gendering participation in REDD+.

Ensuring Women’s Participation in Forest Decision-Making: Annual report 2015-2016

Institutional & promotional materials
декабря, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Community forestry – as promoted by RECOFTC – provides an effective and cross-cutting solution that is aligned with the SDGs. This includes SDG goal 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. RECOFTC has long understood that the long-term viability of community forest management is dependent on the inclusion of women. RECOFTC works to ensure that policies and programs of forestry stakeholders mainstream gender dimensions so that they are not at risk of creating or exacerbating inequalities, and ignoring women’s contribution to livelihoods.