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Criando capacidades para o desenvolvimento: o género no acesso aos recursos produtivos no meio rural em Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Moçambique é um país repleto de instrumentos – políticas, estratégias, pacotes legislativos – para o desenvolvimento. O combate à pobreza, a desigualdade de género, o desenvolvimento rural, entre outros, são temas tratados nesse leque de instrumentos orientadores. Este trabalho tem como objectivo discutir a integração da mulher camponesa no processo de desenvolvimento rural, tendo em consideração as constantes preocupações com a equidade de género.

Perfil socio-económico dos pequenos agricultores do sul de Moçambique realidades de Chókwe, Guijá e KaMavota

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Em vários países em desenvolvimento, a agricultura é a principal actividade e é tida como a base para o crescimento das suas economias. Em Moçambique, apesar do emergente crescimento da indústria extractiva nos últimos anos e da redução considerável da percentagem de pessoas que tem a agricultura como actividade principal (de 60% em 2005 para 54% em 2012, segundo o Inquérito Agrário Integrado de 2012), a actividade agrícola continua a ser o principal sector económico, empregando a maior a parte da população, sobretudo no meio rural.

Land for infrastructure development: compulsory acquisition and compensation of unregistered/undocumented land in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims at transforming the country into a newly industrialized middle income country

and infrastructural development is high on the agenda to achieve this. Competing land uses and existing

interests in land make the use of eminent domain by government in acquiring land inevitable. However

most of the land earmarked for compulsory acquisition comprises of un- registered land whose interests


Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

This paper describes the development of a Land Information Management System (LIMS) for County Governments in Kenya. In the new Constitution 2010, devolution of some national government functions and formation of county governments was provided for. These invoked the development of new land laws to guide the devolution processes and procedures. According to the County Government Act 2012, all County Governments are supposed to develop digital Geographic Information System (GIS) based spatial plans and these calls for development of LIMS for and efficient breakthrough.


Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Land Registration and Administration in Kenya is currently operated on a multi-legal platform [UN 2013]. The Land Registration Act No. 3 of 2012 (LRA) was in that regard enacted to consolidate, harmonize and rationalize land registration goals; which are yet to be achieved. This is majorly because in as much as the 2012 statute repealed five out of the seven major land registration laws, they all remain in force under LRA’s transitional clauses. The Government of Kenya is making efforts to avail land registration information online via the e-citizen platform.

Small-scale soya farming can outperform large-scale agricultural investments

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Agriculture is an important engine for economic growth in Africa, but effective agricultural strategies to support rural development and poverty alleviation are scarce. State investment in the small-scale farming sector is minimal and the entrepreneurial family farm sector remains underrepresented. Meanwhile, large-scale land investments are advocated as means to bring capital to rural areas and stimulate development.

SUSTENTA - Oportunidade e riscos

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Foi lançado pelo presidente da República, em Ribaué, no dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2017, o Projecto SUSTENTA, sob tutela/direcção do Ministério da Terra, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (MITADER). Este Destaque do Meio Rural procura apresentar o projecto referindo o que nele há de novo ou de lições de algumas projectos em curso, o que há de positivo e quais os riscos da sua implementação. O presente trabalho baseia-se na apresentação do projecto em power point.

Multifunctionality at what scale? A landscape multifunctionality assessment for the European Union under conditions of land use change

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2017

Context: The provision of multiple ecosystem services (ES) within a landscape is commonly referred to as landscape multifunctionality. Modifying landscapes to increase multifunctionality and reduce trade-offs with concurrent services bears the potential to enhance sustainability in human-dominated landscapes. Assessing landscape multifunctionality is thus crucial for land management and planning, but lack of a clear definition and operationalization of multifunctionality impedes comparisons of different study results.

Bodembiodiversiteit op de kaart van Noord-Brabant

февраля, 2017

Op verzoek van de provincie Noord-Brabant heeft het RIVM gegevens over de bodembiodiversiteit op kaarten weergegeven. De kaarten zullen aan de Bodemwijzer van de provincie worden toegevoegd. In dit instrument wordt kennis over de bodem verzameld en toegankelijk gemaakt om duurzaam bodemgebruik na te kunnen streven. Hiermee kan namelijk worden geïnventariseerd welke gevolgen nieuwe activiteiten kunnen hebben op de eigenschappen van de bodem, zoals het effect van de grondwaterstand op de aardkundige waarden.

Ecosysteemdiensten als ordenend principe voor duurzaam bodembeheer en gebiedsinrichting : Rekenen met de Triple-O aanpak in het Leiden Bio Science Park

февраля, 2017

Het RIVM heeft meegewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een methode waarmee kan worden afgewogen welk bodembeheer en welke ruimtelijke inrichtingsplannen het meest bijdragen aan een 'duurzame' groene infrastructuur in een gebied. Deze zogeheten Triple-O aanpak biedt mogelijkheden om de voordelen die de mens heeft van een natuurlijk systeem (bodem, water en groen, oftewel ecosysteemdiensten) in te zetten bij bodembeheer en gebiedsontwikkeling. Triple-O staat voor Ontdekken, Overeenkomen en Ontwikkelen.

Resultados do Programa UE-PAANE 2011-2016 (Guiné-Bissau)

Reports & Research
января, 2017

O presente documento apresenta um resumo dos principais resultados do Programa de Apoio aos Atores Não Estatais (UE-PAANE) “Nô Pintcha Pa Dizinvolvimentu” financiado integramente pela União Europeia e implementado na República da Guiné Bissau, entre 2011 e 2016, pelo consórcio do qual faz parte a Organização Não Governamental (ONG) portuguesa Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) e a empresa portuguesa CESO CI Internacional SA (CESO CI).