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Décret nº 2-94-589 pris pour l'application de la loi nº 33-94 relative aux périmètres de mise en valeur en bour.

Northern Africa

Ce décret porte dispositions prises pour l'application de la loi nº 33-94 relative aux périmètres de mise en valeur en bour.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 33-94 relative aux périmètres de mise en valeur en bour promulgué par le dahir nº 1-95-10 du 22 février 1995. (1995-02-22)

Regulations on allocation of land from the Agricultural Land Redistribution Fund to the seed-growing, livestock-breeding, testing and selecting, experimental farms and state variety testing enterprises.

Central Asia

Land plots of the Agricultural Land Redistribution Fund are allocated for the establishment of new and operation of existing seed-growing, livestock-breeding, testing and selecting, experimental farms and state variety testing enterprises that are included into the list approved by the Decree of the Government dated October 4, 1994, No. 745, under condition of implementation of a thorough reform and maintenance of their specialisation in the field of livestock-breeding and seed-growing business.

Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry relative to the Arable Land Exchange Register (No. 31 of 1999).

Northern Europe

The newly established register is functionally classified as a sub-register of the Rural Activities Register pursuant to Act 1515 of 1994. Reference is made to Council Regulation (EEG) No. 3508/92 in relation with the numbering and identification system.

Règlement grand-ducal concernant l'exécution du remembrement de terres viticoles sises dans la commune de Remerschen.

Western Europe

L'artice 1er établit que le projet de remembrement légal de terres viticoles sises dans la commune de Remerschen, section C de Remerschen, dite "de Flouer", sera exécuté suivant la procédure établie par les articles 19bis à 19ter et les articles 23 à 41 de la loi modifiée du 25 mai 1964 concernant le remembrement des biens ruraux.

Decree relative to internal distribution of certain tasks in the Country Agricultural Councils and the Agricultural Boards in matters of Act No. 2 of 18 March, concerning land distribution (Land Code) (No. 853 of 1985).

Northern Europe

This Decree allows the County Agricultural Councils to delegate matters relating to redistribution of land up to a certain size and the preparation of land regulation plans pursuant to sections of the Land Reform Act to the County Agricultural Chief or the Forestry Chief and allows the Agricultural Boards to delegate those matters to agronomists or forester of a certain rank.

Land Taxation (Relief) (Agricultural Land) (Derating) Order.


This Order implements provisions of the Land Taxation (Relief) Act with respect to the de-rating of land by the Minister for purposes of relief from land-related taxes. The Order authorizes de-rating of land exclusively or principally used for agricultural purposes. The Order also lays down criteria for the determination by the Board whether land can be considered as being used substantially for agricultural production.

Implements: Land Taxation (Relief) Act. (1990)

Ministerial Decree No.515 regarding validation of the Regulation on the modalities of compensation of damage caused to land tenants and losses of agricultural commodities.

Central Asia

This Regulation covers all the categories of agricultural land. Valuation of losses of land tenants and losses of agricultural commodities connected with expropriation of the plots of land for state and public needs as well as for individual activity of the citizens must be carried out at the preliminary stage of coordination of the situation of the object and must be specified in the process of legalization of the allotment of the plot of land.

Décret exécutif n° 96-87 portant création de l'office national des terres agricoles.

Northern Africa

Le présent décret porte création de l'office national des terres agricoles, ayant pour mission de mettre en oeuvre la politique nationale foncière agricole.

Modifié par: Décret exécutif n° 09-339 modifiant et complétant le décret exécutif n° 96-87 portant création de l'office national des terres agricoles. (2009-10-22)

Governmental Decree No. 475 “On progress in implementation and intensification of land and agrarian reform”.

Central Asia

The Government, with a view of further extension and improvement of the land-legal relationship under the reform of the agrarian sector decrees as follows: (a) the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, the State Agency on Land Management and Land Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic shall improve the land-water legal relationship and intensify the State control of efficient and purposeful use of agricultural land; and (b) the State Agency on Land Management and Land Resources under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic jointly with the State Administration shall subs

Governmental Decree No. 14 “On measures to introduce the market of land use rights”.

Central Asia

This Governmental Decree regards auction sale of the rights to use land plots of the Land Reallocation Fund at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic consisting of irrigated and dry arable land, lands with perennial plantations, hay lands and lands requiring reclamation shall be conducted with a view to promote market and land relations and increase the efficiency of land use.

Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Público, que tiene bajo su competencia la registración y la expedición de certificaciones acerca de la constitución, modificación y extinción de derechos sobre propiedad inmueble, hipotecas comunes y de cédulas, sociedades mercantiles y civiles, asociaciones civiles, poderes de personas físicas y concesiones de la zona marítima terrestre.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)