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Journal Articles & Books
сентября, 2011

kenya land alliance download :Memorandum On Continued Engagement With The Ministry Of Lands On Land Reforms Presented To: The Ministry Of Lands. The approval by the public of the Constitution at the referendum on August 4, 2010 and its promulgation on August 27, 2010 heralded a new dawn of governance in Kenya. Through its broad provisions, it is expected that it will spur social and economic development and secure the land rights of all Kenyans, by among others guaranteeing them ownership, control and access to natural resources.

Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management

Reports & Research
августа, 2011

In our interventions CM includes a major role for the community, as well as for different social and less privileged groups, such as women. One of the project interventions has been the establishment of women groups in all communities and their increased participation in the decision-making for NRM. We also organized different activities to support women’s household income generation activities.

Gender and international financial institutions. A guide for civil society

Manuals & Guidelines
июня, 2011

The guide consists of an overview of the gender relevant policy framework and initiatives at IFIs. It also contains a gender checklist which should help civil society organisations in determining whether gender considerations have been addressed during the preparation and implementation of IFI-financed projects and programmes. The checklist is divided into three parts:

• broad gender considerations during the project/programme preparation, monitoring and evaluation stages,

• gender issues that need to be addressed during the assessment of projects in particular sectors

Cultivar un futuro mejor: Justicia alimentaria en un mundo con recursos limitados (summary)

Reports & Research
мая, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

El informe identifica los síntomas del sistema alimentario defectuoso: crece la población que sufre hambre, no aumenta el rendimiento de las cosechas, hay una lucha por la tierra fértil y el agua, y en los próximos años seguirán al alza los precios de los alimentos. También advierte de que hemos entrado en una nueva era de crisis donde el agotamiento de los recursos naturales de la tierra y los impactos del cambio climático, que crecen en número y en intensidad, arrastrarán a más millones de personas al hambre.

Land Policy Reform in Rwanda and Land Tenure Security for all Citizens: Provision and Recognition of Women’s Rights over Land

Peer-reviewed publication
мая, 2011

In Rwanda, for many years ago, rights over land for women and female orphans were not
recognized. The main causes were the inexistence of efficient land administration systems and
the prevalence of traditional system of land tenure which were complex and did not favor
women and female descendants. In 2004, the Government of Rwanda had adopted a new land
policy which was complemented by the 2005 Organic Land Law and a series of laws and
regulations with regard to access to land, land management perspectives, and to the modalities

Women, marriage and asset inheritance in Uganda

Reports & Research
апреля, 2011

Examines relationships between inheritance, marriage and asset ownership. Land the most important asset in rural Uganda. The majority of couples (both married and those in consensual unions) report owning land jointly. Men who report owning a parcel of land are much more likely than women to say they inherited it. Inheritance not an important means of acquisition of other assets, e.g. livestock, business assets, financial assets, consumer durables, which are acquired through purchase, for both men and women.

Governing Land for Women and Men: Gender and Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources

Policy Papers & Briefs
января, 2011

In setting out principles and internationally agreed standards, the “Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources” intend to provide practical guidance to states, civil society and the private sector on responsible governance of tenure. The Voluntary Guidelines (VG) will constitute a framework for policies, legislation and programs, but will not establish legally binding obligations nor replace existing national or international laws, treaties or agreements (FAO 2009c).