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Decreto Legislativo Nº 136 - Crea el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP).

LandLibrary Resource
South America

El presente Decreto Legislativo crea el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP), que es un organismo público ejecutor, adscrito al Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM), que genera, utiliza y transfiere conocimientos e información científica y tecnológica en el campo de la geofísica y ciencias afines, y contribuye a la gestión del ambiente geofísico con énfasis en la prevención y mitigación de desastres n

Ordonnance n° 70-050 du du 29 août 1970 portant réforme agraire.

LandLibrary Resource
Central African Republic
Middle Africa

La présente ordonnance dissout tous les services étatiques ou paraétatiques du ministère de l’agriculture et de l’élevage et met en place une réforme agraire au système agricole en République centrafricaine.Elle prévoit, par ailleurs, des décrets d'application qui fixeront la nouvelle organisation du système agraire de la en République centrafricaine.

Settled Estates Leasing Act.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Act concerns the lease of settled estates. "Settled estate" is defined in section 2 as "all immovable property and all estates or interests in any such immovable property, which are subject of any settlement".

Titles Registration and. Derelict Lands Act [Chapter 20:20].

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

Persons having acquired a just and lawful right of title in derelict lands, either by prescription or by contract or in any other manner, may apply to the High Court to order the registration of such title (sect. 3). Section 4 provides for the application for the registration of land by persons entitled to "expropriate" such land.

Decree-Law No. 37-A/83 regulating compensation for expropriation procedures, in accordance with the Agricultural Reform.

LandLibrary Resource
Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Decree-Law regulates compensation for expropriation procedures under the Agricultural Reform, in compliance with article 1, paragraph 5 of Act No. 15/II/82 of 26 March 1982. This Decree establishes that the Government and the owner(s) of expropriated land are the parties interested in compensation procedures.

Decree-Law No. 39/83 regulating land expropriation procedures, in compliance with the Agricultural Reform.

LandLibrary Resource
Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Decree-Law regulates land expropriation procedures, in compliance with article 75, paragraph 1, point (f) of the Constitution. Article 3 deals with requests for land expropriation, documents needed, and other requirements.

Act No. 9/II/82 on the Agricultural Reform.

LandLibrary Resource
Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Act establishes the general bases of the Agricultural Reform. The first part deals with a historical view of Cape Verdean life illustrating the different and traditional ways of exploiting agriculture, livestock and all other resources. The Act establishes the bases for the organization and accomplishment of the agricultural reform.

Beach Protection Act 1981 (Act No. 10 of 1981).

LandLibrary Resource
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

The Act regulates the removal of sands, corals, stones, shingle, or gravel from any part of any beach or sea bed. Any action of digging for, taking, carrying away of such material or assisting in any such actions shall be prohibited if not prior to such act a permission is obtained from the appropriate authority.