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Community Organizations Government of Uganda
Government of Uganda
Government of Uganda
Governmental institution


This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Republic of Uganda.



Displaying 31 - 35 of 90

Land (Amendment) Act 2010

The document titled "Land (Amendment) Act 2010" is an amendment to the Land Act, specifically designed to enhance the security of occupancy for lawful and bona fide occupants on registered land. This amendment plays a crucial role in land governance and land tenure security, ensuring that occupants who are legally residing on registered land have their rights and security of occupancy reinforced and protected.

Mining Sector Profile

The document titled "Mining Sector Profile" provides comprehensive data on various types of minerals found in Uganda. It details their specific locations and outlines the potential investment opportunities within the country's mineral sector. This resource is particularly relevant to land governance as it sheds light on the natural resources available and their potential impact on land use and tenure security.

The Rent Restriction Act, Chapter 231

The document titled "The Rent Restriction Act, Chapter 231" provides a detailed explanation of the specific circumstances and procedures for the eviction of tenants from dwelling houses. This act is a crucial piece of legislation in the field of land governance and tenure security, as it outlines the legal framework for tenant eviction, thereby ensuring a balance between the rights of landlords and tenants.