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Community Organizations Tropenbos International
Tropenbos International
Tropenbos International
Non-profit organization
Phone number
+31 317 702 020


Lawickse Allee 11
1st floor
Postal address
Tropenbos International
P.O.Box 232
6700 AE Wageningen
The Netherlands
Working languages

Tropenbos International envisions a future in which forests and trees are used sustainably for the benefit of local people and the global community. By using evidence to make conscious choices and finding the right balance between the needs of all the stakeholders involved, we contribute to sustainable solutions for forested landscapes.

Tropenbos International (TBI) brings the knowledge together to address complex questions regarding sustainable management of forests and trees, organizes interactions with all the stakeholders and actively helps to create broad support.

We started in 1986 as a Dutch non -governmental non-profit organization, in 2017 we became a network of independent member organisations. We work in more than ten countries in the south, through our network of six local members and collaborations with partners elsewhere.



Displaying 6 - 10 of 25

Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2015

There is a growing consensus that producer organizations are critically important for the sustainable use of natural resources. Representing the collective voices of farmers and forest-dependent people, indigenous groups and rural communities, producer organizations provide essential services to their members and are the building blocks of local democracy. Formal or informal, effective producer organizations identify and agree upon the means to manage their natural resources.

Restoring Paradise (Green Pearls) NLRC Haiti


Applying disaster risk reduction measures that target not only vulnerable communities but also their degraded ecosystems (Resilience Framework).


Implement Landscape restoration as an effective strategy for disaster risk reduction and community development - Combining community resilience of the Red Cross with the 4R4R Approach - Unlocking private capital from other investors for larger implementations of landscape restoration activities all over Haiti, thus causing a financial flywheel effect; - Upscale and replication of the 4R4R Approach by local people and the stimulation of its adoption within the Red Cross movement, enabling wider application in other degraded areas worldwide;

Target Groups

The vulnerable population in La Vallée de Jacmel Jacmel, South East of Haiti - appr. 36 000 people

Enhancing Economic and Social Empowerment of Youth in South Sudan


To reduce food and economic insecurity in chronic emergency and enhance well-being for the most vulnerable population in Juba - South Sudan, through increasing economic production and enhancing life skills among the youth in Juba – South Sudan.


- 2,500 youth (50% women) can provide for their own livelihoods through skills and resources acquired from the project. - 2. 5,000 vulnerable youth are better socio-economically integrated (and have developed skills to help them deal with SGBV, SRH and other social challenges). - The Red Cross, vocational training centres and relevant government ministries (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education) have capacity to deliver the relevant youth interventions including trainings.

Target Groups

5,000 youth (30,000 individuals indirectly) will benefit from the intervention: - 2,500 youth (50% women) can provide for their own livelihoods through skills and resources acquired from the project. - 5,000 vulnerable youth are better socio-economically integrated (and have developed skills to help them deal with SGBV, SRH and other social challenges).

Strategy and organization assessment of SDUB 2022


The Sociedade de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Beira is established end of 2018. The mandate of SDUB is to provide pre-developed flood proof land and stimulate associated construction for residential (Maraza) and industrial (Munhava) purposes in the City of Beira. The objective of this strategic assessment is to advice (SDUB) on an effective strategy for successful development of the projects within their portfolio, that enables the SDUB to become self-sufficient within 3 years. Priority is the realization of the (affordable) housing project in Maraza, where 2,6 million euro has been invested in an area of 3,5 hectares. This area is backfilled, plots are delineated and granted with secured land rights and basic infrastructure such as access roads, utilities and a drainage system are put in place. There is an urgency to realize the construction and selling of affordable housing. The assessment will analyze and advice on the best strategies for project portfolio of SDUB and on the optimalization of the organization structure, finance management and human capacity to implement the strategies successfully.

Support for MARD’s Restoration and Sustainable Management of Coastal Forests in the Mekong Delta Project


The Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), in cooperation with Asian Development Bank (ADB), is developing a program to support coastal mangrove restoration in the Mekong Delta. The key objective of the program is to mitigate and prevent coastal erosion in the Mekong Delta and to respond to the climate change impacts in the region. One of the effective measures that were identified is mangrove restoration including sustainable management of coastal mangroves.The ambition of this assignment is to provide technical advice MARD, with the goal providing answers to current knowledge gaps and bring the project proposal an important step closer to implementation. By supporting this project, the government of The Netherlands aims to stimulate to uptake of nature based solutions combined with sustainable livelihood models in the Mekong Delta. The ultimate goal is to improve water security and water safety in the area. For this purpose, international and local expertise on mangrove development and aquasilviculture is required to advise on specific approaches to harmonize the engineering and livelihood aspects of the project on five locations specified by MARD MBFP.This assignment builds on earlier conclusions drawn about implementation of mangrove restoration during the validation mission in 2022. MARD specifically requested expertise to fill knowledge gaps in the areas of (1) dealing with land subsidence and (2) sustainable livelihood models. For this purpose, a team of consultants will be tasked with performing field work in five locations specified by and under the guidance of MARD MBFD. This assignment will include some data collection on the specific circumstances in these locations, and synthesising this data to identify both technically feasible strategies for mangrove development in these areas, and mechanisms and incentives to support long-term mangrove development, transform to mangrove-based livelihood models, and adapt to climate change. Finally, thesestrategies need to be reviewed in light of the economic development planning of these areas, such as land use planning, coastal forestry planning and the Mekong Delta Integrated Regional Plan.