Act concerning the independent status of the State Cadastre Office (Cadastre Organization Act). | Land Portal

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The scope of this Act is to give more autonomy to the Cadastre and Public Registers Department. Article 2 provides for the establishment of Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers pursuant to provisions of the Cadastre Act. Chapter 2 makes provision for the Board and the Supervisory Board of the Agency. The Board is vested with the management of the Agency (art. 7). The Supervisory Board shall supervise the Board's management and the general course of affairs in the organization of the Agency. It shall serve the Board with advice (art. 12). The Board shall seek the consent of the Supervisory Board for the management resolutions outlined in article 13. The Board shall set up a Clients Council. The Clients Council shall be consulted by the Board on matters regarding the quality and efficiency of the services provided by the Agency (art. 16). The remaining provisions of the Act deal with annual accounts and reports and inquiries and examination by the Minister and amend provisions of the Cadastre Act and some other Acts. (58 articles)

Amended by: Act No. 410 of 2003 to amend Cadastre Act and the Cadastre Organization Act (adjustment of purposes and duties of Cadastre Service and other public registries). (2003-10-09)
Amends: Cadastre Act. (2010-07-18)

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