Bean program 1978 report | Land Portal

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Date of publication: 
December 1979
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Emphasis has been placed on the screening of hybrid selections for resistance to rust, anthracnose, BCMV and Empoasca sp., yield and sensitivity to photoperiod. A total of 1464 materials (937 selections from the breeding program) were screened in the Bean Team Nursery and 700 (200 breeding selections) in the Preliminary Yield Trial. Results from the latter demonstrated major gains in yield among colored materials and a very high proportion of lines resistant to BCMV. Many lines demonstrated multiple-disease resistance. In 1978, 150 International Bean Yield and Adaptation nurseries (88 color, 62 black) were distributed to 34 countries. Rust, BGMV and BCMV nurseries were also distributed. Other major advances include initiation of a breeding program for climbing cv. to be grown in association with maize, establishment of temp conditions likely to limit N fixation and identification of cv. tolerant to low soil P. Microregions of bean production in L.A. were identified and an agroclimatology survey initiated. On-farm trials showed that low-cost cultural practices could increase yields 50 percent. Breeding work for resistance to anthracnose, angular leaf spot and other conditions common to cooler climates was intensified. (CIAT)||Se ha dado prioridad a la seleccion de hibridos por resistencia a roya, antracnosis, BCMV y Empoasca sp., rendimiento y sensibilidad al fotoperiodo. Del vivero del Programa de Frijol se seleccionaron 1464 materiales (937 selecciones del programa de mejoramiento genetico) y 700 materiales del Ensayo Preliminar de Rendimiento incluyendo 200 selecciones mejoradas. Resultados de este ultimo han demostrado mayores ganancias de rendimiento entre materiales coloreados y una alta proporcion de lineas resistentes al BCMV. Muchas lineas mostraron tener resistencia multiple a enfermedades. En 1978, 150 Viveros Internacionales de Rendimiento y Adaptacion de Frijol (88 de color, 62 negros) fueron distribuidos a 34 paises. Tambien fueron distribuidos viveros de roya, BGMV y BCMV. Otros avances logrados incluyen la iniciacion de un programa de mejoramiento para cultivares trepadores aptos para su cultivo en asociacion con maiz determinacion de las condiciones de temperatura que posiblemente limitarian la fijacion de N e identificacion de cv. tolerantes a bajo contenido de P en el suelo. Se identifican microregiones en la produccion de frijol en A.L. y la iniciacion de un estudio agroclimatico. Ensayos a nivel de finca muestran practicas agronomicas de bajos costos pueden aumentar los rendimientos en un 50 por ciento. Se intensificaron los trabajos de mejoramiento genetico para resistencia a antracnosis, mancha angular y otras condiciones comunes a climas mas frios. (CIAT)

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International Center for Tropical Agriculture

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To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.


CIAT’s staff includes about 200 scientists. Supported by a wide array of donors, the Center collaborates with hundreds of partners to conduct high-quality research and translate the results into development impact. A Board of Trustees provides oversight of CIAT’s research and financial management.




To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.


CIAT’s staff includes about 200 scientists. Supported by a wide array of donors, the Center collaborates with hundreds of partners to conduct high-quality research and translate the results into development impact. A Board of Trustees provides oversight of CIAT’s research and financial management.


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CGIAR is the only worldwide partnership addressing agricultural research for development, whose work contributes to the global effort to tackle poverty, hunger and major nutrition imbalances, and environmental degradation.

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