Resource information
The Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants (Protection) Act, 1955 provides the cultivating tenants in the state the protection from eviction on the ground of arrears of rent. This act also lays down the rights of tenants in the state and provides legal definition of tenant and related terminology.
This Act was extended to the Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli district by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protection
and Payment of Fair Rent (Extension to Shencottah taluk) Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act 28 of 1959) repealing the corresponding law
in force in that taluk.
This Act was extended to the added territories by section 5 of the Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protection and Payment of FairRent
(Extension to Addel Territories) Act, r >6 » (Tamil Nadu Act 33 of • 1963) repealing the corresponding law in force in those territories.
This Act was extended to the Kanyakumari district by section 4 of the Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protection and Payment of
Fair Rent (Extension to Kanyakumari District) Act, 1972 (Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 1976) repealing the corresponding law in force in that