How formalised rental agreements help refugees to be self-sufficient
Tenancy Agreements transform Prospects of South Sudanese Refugees in West-Nile, Uganda.
HARARE, Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe’s dispossessed white farmers are trickling back to their land, this time as tenants to Black farmers, officials from the country’s governing and opposition parties claimed Monday.
In an interview with Anadolu Agency, George Makombe, a top official of the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party and liberation war fighter, said reports of Black farmers renting out the land they repossessed from white farmers two decades ago are true.
Global Land Alliance seeks a dynamic, highly motivated and self-propelled consultant to engage with a wide range of regional stakeholders to increase engagement with the Prindex initiative, encourage the utilization of its research findings for policy reform, and expand the initiative in specific countries. This role will require near full time effort for a 12-month period, with the possibility of contract renewal for another 12 months.