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Neil Sorensen joined the Land Portal as its Communications Specialist in October 2015. He has extensive experience leading communications for international organizations and developing relationships with civil society, donors, intergovernmental agencies, the media and the private sector. Previously, Neil worked for the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) as a Governing Bodies Officer and Strategic Adviser to the Secretary of IFAD. He has also led communications for three international organizations, including the International Land Coalition, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). He holds a Master’s degree in Global Diplomacy from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) as well as a Bachelor’s degree with a double major in German and Sociology from St. Cloud State University.
Displaying 1181 - 1188 of 1188Linked Open Data and the Global Call to Action on Indigenous & Community Land Rights
At the end of September, the global land community met in Bern, Switzerland for the 2nd International Conference on Community Land Rights, to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing those who rely on access to community lands for their livelihoods. Discussions at the conference focused on the perpetual divide between indigenous peoples and governments with regard to land ownership.
Cameroun : Conflit Foncier Entre Le Nkam et le Wouri
Dans une correspondance adressée au délégué départemental des domaines, du cadastre et des affaires foncières du Nkam, Jacqueline Koung à Bessike exige de son collaborateur de lui faire le point sur la régularité des titres fonciers dans l’affaire Tsimi Enouga contre Etat du Cameroun, Mbango Njoh Jérémie et Sci Fok.
Affaire foncière : des directives pour une bonne gouvernance des terres
Les cadres du ministère des Affaires foncières et du domaine public s’imprègnent des directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable portant sur les terres, les forêts, les pêches ainsi que les questions intersectorielles, définie par le Comité chargé de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale.
Malawi: Women's Land Ownership Violation Continues in Nsanje
A women's group fighting for women’s rights in Nsanje has decried continued violation of women’s rights to own land.
Kuchene Women Forum Director, Gertrude Kalosi said the district’s cultural norm which gives men more power over property such as land is compromising efforts to ensure that women equally enjoy their right to own land like men.
Cambodians March For End to Forced Evictions on World Habitat Day
Around 1,500 protesters marked World Habitat Day on Monday by marching through Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh and calling on the government to put a stop to forced evictions in the Southeast Asian nation.
Evictees, monks, and activists joined the march to the National Assembly, or parliament, carrying cardboard cutouts of houses and shouting slogans, including “Cambodians need housing and land” and “We must have rights to live.”
Comunicado de Prensa de CODECA por el asesinato de Sebastián Sajic Córdova y Rigoberto Lima Choc
l Comité de Desarrollo Campesino –CODECA-, manifiesta su rechazo a la persecución, criminalización y asesinatos que siguen ocasionando las empresas transnacionales, bajo el gravamen del gobierno de Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre, un ejemplo de ello lo que están realizando las empresas hidroeléctricas instaladas en el departamento de Quiché y lo aberrante que está ocurriendo en Sayaxché, Petén.
Sitio web Observatorio de Tierra, Agronegocios y Derechos Humanos en Paraguay
Sitio web con base de datos, informes, boletines e información relacionada a la tierra y los agronegocios.La Base de Datos contiene información sistematizada desde el 15 de agosto de 2008 sobre tierra, agronegocios y derechos humanos, proveniente de mediso de comunicación y de las propias organizacinoes y comunidades afectadas.