Comunidade da Terra
O Land Portal reúne diversas organizações, grupos e indivíduos numa comunidade global dedicada a explorar as questões relacionadas com a terra e os direitos de propriedade. Inscreva-se agora para se juntar aos nossos diálogos.
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Network Movement for Justice and Development
Civil Society Organization
The Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) is a national human rights-oriented civil society development and advocacy organization that was established in Kenema, eastern Sierra Leone in 1988.
Sites de nossos parceiros

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure is an internationally negotiated framework to improve land governance. For those working in the land sector, it is a framework which is referred to regularly. Perhaps this is because

The first of its kind for DFID’s land programmes, LEGEND’S Portfolio Overviews look across up to 26 of DFID’s programmes to capture where and how DFID programmes engage on land tenure issue, drawing out successes and common challenges, and