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Loi n° 81-12 du 15 juillet 2015 relative au littoral.

июля, 2015

La présente loi établit les principes et les règles fondamentaux d'une gestion intégrée durable du littoral en vue de sa protection, de sa mise en valeur et de sa conservation.Elle a pour objet de : préserver l'équilibre des écosystèmes du littoral, la biodiversité et de protéger le patrimoine naturel et culturel, les sites historiques, archéologiques, écologiques et les paysages naturels ; prévenir, lutter et réduire la pollution et la dégradation du littoral et assurer la réhabilitation des zones et des sites pollués ou détériorés; assurer le libre accès du public au rivage de la mer et;

Loi n° 15-08 du 12 Joumada Ethania 1436 correspondant au 2 avril 2015 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 01-11 du 11 Rabie Ethani 1422 correspondant au 3 juillet 2001 relative à la pêche et l’aquaculture.

апреля, 2015

La présente loi modifie et complète les dispositions des articles 2 (Terminologie), 3 (Gestion durable des ressources halieutiques), 6 (Industries et ports de pêche),16 (Autorité de pêche et plans d’aménagement et de gestion des pêcheries), 21 (Exercice de l’aquaculture), 24, 25, 30, 31, 34 (Autorité et autorisation de de permis de pêche), 35 (Pêche aux grands migrateurs halieutiques), 36 (Pêche au corail), 37 (Exploitation des algues marines ), 49 (Détention à bord du navire ainsi que l’usage, de manière ù volontaire, de substances chimiques, de toutes matières explosives ), 53, 63, 67 de

India - Pacific Islands brief

Policy Papers & Briefs
октября, 2014

The Pacific Islands, a group of fourteen island nations in the South Pacific Ocean had been a source of low interest for the global powers, however, this seems to have changed as Asia draws increasing attention from the world economies in the 21st century. Despite geographical distance and unenthusiastic historical interaction, initiation of India’s development engagement with these island nations date back to as early as the year 1973.

An Initial Assessment of the Economic Value of Coastal and Freshwater Wetlands in West Asia

Peer-reviewed publication
сентября, 2014

Many countries in West Asia, defined in this study as the Arabic-speaking countries of the Arabian Peninsula plus Turkey and Iran, have enacted environmental conservation laws but regional underlying drivers of environment change, such as rising incomes and fast-growing populations, continue to put pressure on remaining wetlands. This paper aims to inform conservation efforts by presenting the first regional assessment of the economic value of coastal and freshwater wetlands in West Asia.

A study based on spatial analysis and field surveyLand use change and their determinants in the coastal area of guinea

Journal Articles & Books
июля, 2014

Lack of statistical data constitutes the main constraint to assess the effects of land use change in developing countries like Guinea. Here we examine the role of land use change in improving the livelihood of local mangrove rice farmers in the Guinean coastal zone based on both satellite and field survey data. We investigated land use change dynamics using spatial analysis and field survey data for the Dubreka prefecture, Guinea, where statistics and maps are not sufficiently available.

Socio-Political and Environmental Dimensions of Vulnerability and Recovery in Coastal Odisha: Critical Lessons since the 1999 Super-Cyclone

Reports & Research
июня, 2014

The report aims to understand the nature of vulnerability and recovery of selected coastal communities in Odisha since super-cyclone of 1999. With intensive fieldwork in eight sites across coastal Odisha, the report takes a detailed look at livelihood trajectories, processes of housing reconstruction and access to community-based NGOs and state assistance.

Act on the Establishment, Management of Spatial Data.

июня, 2014
Republic of Korea

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the efficient management of national land, safe marine transportation, and the protection of ownership of citizens, by prescribing matters concerning the standards and procedures for surveying and waterway survey as well as the preparation, management of cadastral records and comprehensive real estate records.