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Romy leads the development of Land Portal's Country and Thematic portfolios, as well as the curation and ingestion of land-related publications and statistical datasets.
She is a communications specialist and policy advisor/project manager with more than 20 years of experience. She has worked previously with Embrapa (Brazil), CIFOR, FAO, GIZ, amongst other organizations on topics such as community forest management, payments for environmental services and agriculture & food security policy.
For the last 10 years her work has focused on land governance while as a project manager. In 2015 she supported the Global Donor Working Group on Land to advocate and secure SDG indicator 1.4.2 on land tenure security.
Romy holds a BA in Journalism from the Federal University of Pará, Brazil, and an Master of Science in Environmental Governance from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 129Africa's carbon deals and the hidden tenure challenge
Observers marked 2023 as a “make-or-break” year for voluntary carbon markets and a key “inflection point” for their role in addressing climate change and global deforestation. Proponents highlight that forest carbon projects channel much-needed funds towards forest protection and are pivotal to climate change mitigation. However, critics emphasize that carbon deals set incentives for over-crediting. Moreover, carbon offsetting allows the biggest emitters to simply outsource their climate mitigation efforts with potentially adverse impacts for affected communities.
Decodificando pérdidas y daños: De la responsabilidad histórica a la justicia climática
Decodificando Perdas e Danos: da responsabilidade histórica à justiça climática
Décryptage du concept de pertes et préjudices : de la responsabilité historique à la justice climatique
Decoding Loss and Damage: From historical responsibility to climate justice
Job Opportunity: Data Management Consultant
Derechos sobre la tierra en el post-conflicto en Burundi
Amahoro-at-Scale project: An integrated approach towards improved tenure security and land governance in Burundi
The baseline study aims to generate the baseline data on the Amahoro-at-Scale project’s main indicators, which will serve as reference for the mid-term and final evaluation. The baseline study should help set more realistic targets for the indicators.
The Amahoro-at-Scale project is part of the larger LAND-at-Scale programme, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by its Enterprise Agency (RVO).