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Countries Botswana related News


Displaying 1 - 12 of 32
4 July 2023
Two comprehensive State of Land Information (SOLI) reports have been released, providing in-depth assessments of the land data and information ecosystems in Botswana and Zambia. These reports examine the availability of land information and evaluate its compliance with open data standards. The…
4 July 2023
Deux rapports complets sur l'état de l'information foncière (SOLI) ont été publiés, fournissant des évaluations approfondies des données foncières et des écosystèmes d'information au Botswana et en Zambie. Ces rapports examinent la disponibilité des informations foncières et évaluent leur…
4 July 2023
Dois relatórios abrangentes sobre o Estado das Informações sobre Terras (SOLI) foram publicados, fornecendo avaliações detalhadas dos ecossistemas de dados e informações sobre terras em Botsuana e Zâmbia. Esses relatórios examinam a disponibilidade de informações sobre terras e avaliam sua…
4 July 2023
Se han publicado dos informes exhaustivos sobre el Estado de la Información sobre la Tierra (SOLI por sus siglas en inglés), que proporcionan evaluaciones en profundidad de los ecosistemas de datos e información sobre la tierra en Botswana y Zambia. Estos informes examinan la disponibilidad de…
11 January 2023
Botswana’s indigenous Bushmen people, which are embroiled in a protracted fight over the eviction from their ancestral territory, are furious over a court ruling that prevents them from burying one of their elders on the disputed land. In December, Botswana’s Court of Appeal denied a Bushmen family…
12 December 2022
Data limite: 31-Dez-22   O objetivo do projeto é abordar a desigualdade de gênero e o empoderamento econômico inclusivo para as mulheres africanas. Especificamente, o Projeto visa aumentar a capacidade e a sustentabilidade dos capacitadores que apóiam as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (WSMEs - sigla em…
4 October 2022
Luanda, 4 out (Prensa Latina) As ocupações ilegais de terras no sul de Angola ameaçam hoje a sobrevivência de várias espécies de flora e fauna no Parque Nacional da Mupa, advertiu o especialista Tchingungo Contreira. O chefe do departamento de meio ambiente na província sul do Cunene lamentou a…
2 January 2022
Please apply for plot allocation – Tawana Landboard chair OPTIMISTIC: Emmanuel Dube     Tawana Landboard reforms promises a good year ahead for Ngamiland people especially farmers and those looking forward to be allocated land both for residential and commercial purposes. “People are encouraged…
5 July 2021
The San can be considered as one of the earliest inhabitants of Southern Africa. Much like in the rest of Southern Africa, the San of Botswana have consistently been marginalized, negated, and relegated to the margins of society. The San, the Nama, the Balala and their subgroups are the indigenous…
16 June 2021
Main photo: Farmers at a FAO anti-desertification project in Burkina Faso, one of 11 countries targeted by the Global Environment Fund Initiative The global launch of a $104 million initiative signals an ambitious effort by a range of partners to safeguard drylands in the context of climate…
11 June 2021
A whistleblower complaint to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission cites “egregious” violations by ReconAfrica and executives. ReconAfrica, a Canadian company exploring for oil and gas upstream of one of Africa’s most lush and wildlife-rich habitats, may have fraudulently misled…
19 May 2021
O Centro de Ética Energética lançou o concurso Africa@2050 Ficção Climática, uma iniciativa para reunir escritores e pesquisadores com o objetivo de elaborar, de forma colaborativa, soluções inovadoras e de futuro para os desafios colocados pelas mudanças climáticas ao continente africano e ao…