Located in southern Africa, Botswana is a large, mineral rich, yet sparsely populated, semi-arid and land-locked country of 560,877 sq. km in size. Botswana gained independence from Britain in 1966. The population was estimated to be 2.3 million people in 2019. Botswana is widely regarded as an economic and social success story. However, levels of unemployment and social inequality remain high, as economic benefits and resource rich land are inequitably distributed.
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
56,673,000 ha
14,840.9 USD
Total population
Urban population
69.5 %
Land-related indicators
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Agricultural land
45.6 %
Perceived tenure security
57.1 %
NewsBrowse all
04 July 2023
Deux rapports complets sur l'état de l'information foncière (SOLI) ont été publiés, fournissant des évaluations approfondies des données foncières et des écosystèmes d'information au Botswana et en Zambie. Ces rapports examinent la disponibilité des informations foncières et évaluent leur…
04 July 2023
Dois relatórios abrangentes sobre o Estado das Informações sobre Terras (SOLI) foram publicados, fornecendo avaliações detalhadas dos ecossistemas de dados e informações sobre terras em Botsuana e Zâmbia. Esses relatórios examinam a disponibilidade de informações sobre terras e avaliam sua…
04 July 2023
Two comprehensive State of Land Information (SOLI) reports have been released, providing in-depth assessments of the land data and information ecosystems in Botswana and Zambia. These reports examine the availability of land information and evaluate its compliance with open data standards. The…
Botswana has a reputation as a stable democracy with a strong, if heavily mineral dependent economy.