Land Management and Decentralised Planning in Laos PDR (LMDP)
Improvement of the land tenure security of the rural population in the target area. Improved governance of investments within the public and private sector.
Improvement of the land tenure security of the rural population in the target area. Improved governance of investments within the public and private sector.
The objective is to contribute to the promotion of responsible governance of land tenure systems (public, private, communal, customary and informal systems). Specifically, the project supports the implementation of the land law and its regulations. The project has two cluster of activities: 1) improvement of the capacity of local land administrations (cadastre)and of customary tenure institutions 2) support for the allocation and delimitation of community lands.
The project’s objectives include: (i) Ensuring that land governance decisions respond to multi-stakeholder dialogue, inclusivity demands and independent monitoring of agricultural investments by non-state actors; and (ii) Strengthening the capacity of the Government, CSOs and communities to demand and undertake inclusive village land-use planning and grazing-land registration.
Orthophotos with 20 cm resolution for the entire country, as well as aerial photography.
The grant aims to enable smallholder and marginalized farmers, especially women to achieve secure and equitable access to land with IFAD support to the implementation of VGGT. The grant aligns with IFAD's first strategic Objective of "a natural resource and economic asset base for poor rural women and men that is more resilient to climate change, environmental degradation and market transformation. It contributes to three objectives of the grant policy of IFAD: (i) strengthen partners' institutional and policy capacities; (ii) enhance advocacy and policy engagement; and (iii) generate and share knowledge for development impact.
to produce terrain models and line maps for area of Moldova most at risk for floods, as the basis for emergency preparedness
This grant, which complements the Artisanal Fisheries Promotion Project (ProPESCA) aims to improve the livelihoods of artisanal fishing communities along the whole coastline of Mozambique by strengthening their land tenure security and the management of natural resources. This will be achieved through the promotion of activities and approaches for securing land and natural resource rights, the promotion of awareness, advocacy and policy dialogue on land and natural resource tenure issues by, and on behalf of, the target group, strengthening the capacity of partner institutions, and the promotion of lesson learning, knowledge management and dissemination of information on land and natural resource tenure security issues among stakeholders within Eastern and Southern Africa, other regions in Africa and globally. The activities include the recognition of community-based NRM structures, community land use planning and community land delimitation, forestry co-management and the recognition of community land and natural resource use management plans; the documentation and mapping of natural resource use and the registration of communities’ rights; the documentation of local natural resource management practices and conflict management and resolution.
Capacity building in connection with the establishment of an address register and development of related procedures for data collection and maintenance.
The goal of the project was to improve incomes, food security and living conditions for 30,000 poor rural households in Aguié Department and the neighbouring communes of Saé Saboua and Giratawa. To that end, the project has introduced cereal and food banks run by local women to help ensure availability of food year-round. It also supported the adoption of new technologies to raise the productivity of staple crops. Land and natural resource governance related interventions provided training for local youth in the use of GPS systems, and support for mapping and demarcation exercises, land market analysis and the analysis of the legislative framework. All small properties were delimited and represented on a community map updated on a regularly basis. and maintained by the local representatives who manage the communal and individual land registers. Through the project's support 1270 land titles (2600 ha) were issued to 880 small farmers (of which 15% women), six local land commissions and three communal committees were set up and equipped and transhumance corridors have been delineated. Workshops with the religious authorities at village level address the issue of access to land by women and the question of women's rights under Islamic law.
The Project aims at securing land and resource rights of pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and crop farmers, while improving land management by supporting village and district land use planning and rangeland management in Kiteto, Bahi, Chamwino and Kondoa Districts in Tanzania. More broadly, it aims at influencing policy formulation and implementation on these issues.
The goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of rural poverty in the Upper Tana River catchment through increased sustainable food production and incomes for 205,000 poor rural households, as well as sustainable management of natural resources. On land and natural resource governance, the project will develop and implement community action plans for livelihood improvement and sustainable NRM, it will provide support to Water-Resource Users’ Associations (WRUAs) to help them fulfil their responsibilities to protect and manage water resources, resolve water use conflicts and improve the availability/quality of water. It will also support the establishment of Community Forest Associations and support them in entering into co-management arrangements with forestry authorities for various forest reserve areas and it will support the use of participatory planning and mapping processes and develop the GIS and mapping capacity of 6 Counties.