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Issues Land & Conflicts related Blog post
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Apoyo a las comunidades para defender el clima, la biodiversidad y a sí mismas

06 Septiembre 2024

El pasado 14 de julio, se encontró el cuerpo de Mariano Isacama Feliciano a orillas del río Yurac, un afluente del Amazonas en el departamento peruano de Ucayali. Él era defensor de derechos humanos del Pueblo Indígena Kakataibo y antes de su muerte había estado trabajando con su comunidad para oponer resistencia a la presencia de madereros ilegales.

Understanding the link between Climate & LAND-at-scale country projects - Sustainable Solutions for Rural-Urban Migrants in Baidoa, Somalia

19 Febrero 2024
Karel Boers
Marta Cavallaro
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, IOM explored how climate plays a role in the UN-led Saameynta Joint Programme in Somalia. In this context, climate change is increasingly recognized as a multiplier of insecurity and fragility, where climate-related sudden and slow-onset disasters are driving people to leave their land and migrate. While migrating allows people to find alternative livelihoods and enhance their climate resilience, it can also be associated with instances of maladaptation to climate change. As such, this case highlights durable solutions in climate-driven urban sprawl in Baidoa.  

The Wait is Over

07 Febrero 2024
Nicholas Parkinson

The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity  is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.

Cómo las comunidades Afrodescendientes en Colombia han creado y conservado áreas protegidas en medio del conflicto

02 Febrero 2024

A pesar de las constantes amenazas de las actividades extractivas y el narcotráfico, los consejos comunitarios de los Pueblos Afrodescendientes de Buenaventura y el norte del Cauca han logrado conservar exitosamente el bosque. Esta es su extraordinaria historia.

LAND-at-scale Chad: Collective action to bring land to the national political agenda

09 Octubre 2023

Chad is at the verge of an emerging land tenure crisis. As observed in many countries in Africa, formal and customary tenure systems overlap. Customary tenure systems, that generally prevail in rural areas, differ from region to region, with each its own needs and practices. Land conflicts are abundant, caused by degradation and transformation of land surfaces caused by climate change, as well as land investments by domestic investors with disputed legitimacy.

Panorama: Jujuy, litio y extractivismo de norte a sur

22 Junio 2023

Por Darío Aranda

Represión para extraer el litio de los territorios del pueblo kolla y atacama.

Violencia para explotar Vaca Muerta en territorio mapuche.

Judicialización para desalojar y fumigar con agrotóxicos a familias campesinas y poblaciones invadidas por el agronegocio.

Es el ADN del extractivismo: represión, violación de derechos, contaminación, falta de democracia real.