Ministerial Decree No. 7 regarding validation of the Regulation on calculation of damage caused to arable land by the infringement of land legislation on the part of natural and legal persons. | Land Portal

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The present Regulation establishes a new method of control that enables to calculate the indices of damage by the infringement of land legislation on the part of natural and legal persons in the following cases: 1) incomplete and irrational use of arable land (abandoned land, destruction of fertile layer of soil); 2) destruction of sowing areas (flood, siltation or transformation of arable land into grazing grounds and bush land), incorrect land tenure and non-observance of agro-technical methods of growing agricultural crops; 3) loss of agricultural crops as a result of fire; 4) unauthorized seizure or unauthorized allotment of the plots of agricultural land for the purpose of construction of edifices and objects by natural and legal persons. The Regulation consists of 5 Sections. Section 1 lays down general provisions. Section 2 establishes the modalities of calculation of damage caused by the administrators in case of non-utilization of arable land or illegal allotment of land, or in case of unauthorized seizure of land for agricultural production. Section 3 establishes the modalities of the calculation of damage caused by destruction and loss of agricultural crops as a result of criminal negligence of executives. Section 4 establishes the modalities of the calculation of damage in case of unauthorized seizure or unauthorized allotment of the plots of agricultural land for the purpose of construction of edifices and objects. Section 5 establishes the modalities of collection of the amount of established damage in case of infringement of land legislation.

Autores y editores

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s): 

Gnetii, Vsevolod

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