Law No. 666-I on state land cadastre. | Land Portal

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The purpose of the present Law is to establish the legal basis for keeping state land cadastre, use of cadastre data for economic development, ensuring the right to the plots of land, rational use, rehabilitation and protection of land. State land cadastre is a basic component of the Common system of state cadastres and represents the system of data and documentation regarding natural, economic, legal characteristics of land, categories, qualitative aspect and value, location and size of the plots of land, distribution among the owners, leaseholders and landlords thereof. State land cadastre includes: state registration of land rights, registration of quality and quantity of land, soil improvement, land valuation, and also systematization, storage and renewal of land cadastre data (art. 3). The main principles of keeping state land cadastre are: 1) application to the whole of the national territory; 2) application of spatial coordinates; 3) common methodology of the elaboration of land cadastre information; 4) reliability of land cadastre information (art. 4). Keeping of state land cadastre shall be ensured by aerospace photography, topographic, geodetic, cartographic, soil, agro-chemical, geobotanical and other inspection and research, by qualitative and quantitative registration and valuation of land, state registration of the rights of legal and natural persons to the plots of land, and also by land monitoring (art. 10). The Law consists of 26 Articles.

Autores y editores

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s): 

Gnetii, Vsevolod (CONSLEGB)

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