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Showing items 10 through 18 of 73860.This Ordinance aims at controlling the standards of land boundary surveys for land subdivision.The Ordinance establishes a Land Survey Authority which shall be responsible for checking the quality of land boundary plans submitted by Authorized Land Surveyors and maintain a record of these plans f
The purpose of this Ordinance is to grant the Government with the right to acquire private land by resumption for the implementation of public projects.The Government shall publish in the Gazette a Government Notice advising that the resumption of a particular land is required for a public purpos
The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational land tenure and soil conservation, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment for the purpose of the equal development of all forms of economic activity.
This Law applies to relations originating after the Land Code came into force. Until national legislation is brought into conformity with the Land Code, land legislation shall be valid to the extent it is not inconsistent with the Land Coder.
This Code grants every citizen the right to a favourable environment ensured by sound land use planning through: (a) state regulation of land use planning activities; (b) planning of urban land; (c) compensation for damages resulting from violation of land use planning legislation; and (d) liabil
This Act establishes the Jamaica Development Bank as a body corporate and provides for its functions and powers and organization.The Bank shall be responsible for providing capital for development in Jamaica including agricultural development for which a division in the Bank shall be created.
Article 1 of the above-mentioned Law establishes that the division of forest land as a result of which a remaining part of land would reach no longer the minimum size for forestry management is forbidden. The minimum size is 1 ha and a minimum width of 40 m.
The purpose of the present Act is to establish a public intervention scheme for the rational exploitation of environmental resources. The scope of this plan is remediation and restoration of polluted sites involving marine areas, lakes and rivers.
La presente Ley prorroga el plazo máximo establecido en el artículo 23 de la Ley Nº 388 de 1997, para que los municipios y distritos formulen y adopten los planes y esquemas de ordenamiento territorial (POT), hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1999.
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