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Showing items 66943 through 66951 of 73566.Understanding the role that aspirations play in promoting growth requires an understanding of where aspirations come from and how they can be raised through policy.
"Policies built on presumptions of separateness or on traditional notions of urban and rural livelihoods diminish the possibilities for economic growth and poverty reduction.
Movement of people, or migration in the positive sense of the term, contributes positively to the achievement of secure livelihoods, and to the expansion of the scope for poor people to figure out pathways out of poverty.
Clearly defined and legally enforceable water rights and responsibilities for water operators and users in an irrigation system are the foundation underlying the incentives for conserving water and improving irrigation efficiency.
Recent research provides insights into how rural conditions and livelihood strategies are changing, often in response to ongoing processes of economic transformation and urbanization.
D'ici I'an 2020, la degradation des sols pourrait constituer une grave menace mettant en danger la production alimentaire et les moyens d'existence ruraux, notamment dans les regions pauvres et de forte demographie dans Ie monde en developpement.
Most of Nigeria's poor reside in rural areas and gain their livelihood from agricultural work.
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