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  1. Library Resource

    Утверждено постановлением Законодательного собрания Жогорку Кенеша Кыргызской Республики от 15 апреля 2002 года З N 702-II ТИПОВОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ об условиях и порядке предоставления в аренду земель Фонда перераспределения сельскохозяйственных угодий.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Parliamentary Decree establishes terms and conditions for concession on lease of agricultural land pertaining to the stock of agricultural land subject to re-distribution. Concession of the plots of agricultural land shall be carried out through tenders, the winner of which shall conclude lease contract within ten days from the date of conclusion of tender. Lease holder shall be prohibited to manage land plots prior to mapping on the boundaries in-situ and issuance of certificate for temporary land tenure.

  2. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О коммунальной собственности на имущество.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates relations concerning municipal property and, in particular, land relations. Article 3 establishes that public parks, urban green belts, forests and agricultural land not pertaining to protected areas can be in municipal ownership. Article 5 states that municipal property can be obtained through transfer, purchase, donation, exchange and expropriation. Article 12 establishes that objects of municipal property can be privatized by natural and legal persons. Article 15 establishes that municipal property can also be conceded to natural and legal persons on lease.

  3. Library Resource

    г.Бишкек от 13 августа 2004 года N 122 ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О толковании пункта 7 статьи 6 Закона Кыргызской Республики "О введении в действие Земельного кодекса Кыргызской Республики".

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes that land plot ownership right shall be attested by privatization documents in case of absence of such in accordance with cadastre plan elaborated by state land survey service. Privatization documents and cadastre plan shall be the grounds for registration of ownership right to the plot of land.

    Implements: Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on effectuation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (1999-04-30)

  4. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    Land reserves in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be divided in accordance with their designated purpose into the following categories: 1) lands of agricultural designation; 2) lands of residential areas (cities, towns, settlements and rural residential areas); 3) lands used for industry, transport, communications, defence and other non-agricultural purposes; 4) lands of specially protected territories, lands of health rehabilitating, recreational, historical and cultural designation; 5) lands of the forest reserve; 6) lands of the forest reserve; 7) lands of the reserve.

  5. Library Resource

    Закон об управлении землями сельскохозяйственного назначения г.Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 11 января 2001 года N 4

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes that agricultural land shall be exclusive property of the state and of citizens permanently living in rural areas for at least two years. Allotment in ownership and transfer of agricultural land shall be prohibited to: (a) foreign natural and legal persons, and foreign states; (b) stateless persons living on the territory of Kyrgyzstan; (c) legal persons of Kyrgyzstan and joint-ventures; and (d) married couples if one conjoint is foreigner or stateless person.

  6. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ ТАДЖИКИСТАН О внесении изменений и дополнений в Земельный кодекс Республики Таджикистан

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Article 33 shall be supplemented with the following wording: “Lease payment for agricultural land shall be calculated in accordance with quality and location of the plot of land and cadastre valuation thereof”.

    Amends: Land Code No. of 1996. (2008-01-05)

  7. Library Resource


    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational land tenure and soil conservation, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment for the purpose of the equal development of all forms of economic activity. Land is the property of the state. Citizens have the right to allocation of a plot of land terms and conditions of which shall be determined by the present Act (art. 2).

  8. Library Resource

    Закон Туркменистана Об утверждении и введении в действие Кодекса Туркменистана «О земле».

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law applies to relations originating after the Land Code came into force. Until national legislation is brought into conformity with the Land Code, land legislation shall be valid to the extent it is not inconsistent with the Land Coder.

    Implements: Land Code. (2004-11-01)
    Repeals: Parliamentary Decree No. 308-XII implementing Land Code. (1991-05-30)
    Repeals: Land Code. (1990)
    Repeals: Law No. 77-I on leasehold by foreign states. (1995-10-13)
    Repeals: Law on transfer of land into ownership for agricultural production. (1996-12-20)

  9. Library Resource


    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Code grants every citizen the right to a favourable environment ensured by sound land use planning through: (a) state regulation of land use planning activities; (b) planning of urban land; (c) compensation for damages resulting from violation of land use planning legislation; and (d) liability.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law makes provision for the payment of the use of land in the form of land tax and lease fees. The rates of land tax are established in article 2. Land tax shall be established on cadastrial documentation and be imposed on land users who are manufacturing agricultural products. Payment shall also be made for land not used for agriculture. Categories of users specified in article 9 are exempted fromthe payment of land tax. They include "dehkan", private farms during three years or one year depending upon the type of land.

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