LandUP! Podcast
Through the LandUP! podcast we aim to provide fresh, outside perspectives on why land hasn’t mattered as much as it should in sustainable development and what we can do to change that. By exiting the current land silo and asking outsiders about failures and successes, we challenge the land community to raise its game and make the global development world take note of the value of land.
LandUP! includes interviews with researchers, practitioners, community leaders and beyond. The podcast is a joint initiative of the Land Portal Foundation and Prindex and episodes will be published periodically to this page.
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
29 June 2024
Photo: The Struggles for Land Podcast
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons.

29 June 2024
Photo: The Struggles for Land Podcast
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons.

24 January 2024
Land ownership in South Africa is a complex topic, with dozens of laws regulating the purchase, redistribution, and tenure of land, as well as the property rights of landowners.

17 January 2023
In this episode of the LandUP! podcast, we wanted to better understand a largely unexplored subject matter: the land rights of persons with disabilities.

14 June 2022
This episode of LandUP!

8 March 2022
This episode of LandUP! addresses an often overlooked topic by discussing the land rights of widowed women. Widowed women face vastly different hurdles and challenges when it comes to accessing land and this moment of their lives is worth exploring.

14 January 2022
In this episode of Land UP! we ask where do we land up on climate change?