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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Lease represents fixed-date contractual charged possession of land and land tenure and possession of other natural resources (art. 1). Land and other natural resources can be granted on lease (art. 3). Rent shall include depreciation charges imposed on leasehold. Depreciation charges shall not be imposed on land leasehold (art. 8). Land lease shall be granted for long-term period - ten years and over (art. 12). The Law consists of 2 Sections composed of 33 articles.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President of the Supreme Soviet decrees to put into effect Land Code from 1 December 1990 while the Articles 37-40 shall be put into effect from 1 January 1991. Till the conformation of land legislation to Land Code land legislation currently in force shall be applicable to the extent of compliance thereof with Land Code. As regards land relations originated before 1 December 1990 Land Code shall be applicable to the rights and the duties coming into effect after the entry into force of Land Code.

    Implements: Land Code. (1990)

  3. Library Resource

    Жилищный кодекс

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    In case of expropriation for state or public need of the plots of land with the housing facilities situated thereon owned by natural persons they shall be assigned housing facilities of equal value by the state, cooperative or social organization to which alternative plots of public land must be allotted (art. 102).

  4. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Казахстан от 29 декабря 2003 года N 512-II О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Республики Казахстан по вопросам регулирования земельных отношений

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    Article 5 of the Law No. 214-1 on peasant farm acquires a new wording: «The plot of land of a peasant farm shall be inherited according to the modalities envisaged by the national legislation». Article 6 of the same Act acquires a new wording: «The plots of land for farming shall be allotted to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan on condition of ownership or on condition of temporary charged lease for the period up to 49 years and for seasonal grazing on condition of temporary land tenure free of charge».

    Amends: Law No. 214-1 on peasant farm. (1998-03-31)

  5. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Article 1 shall be supplemented with items 23 and 24 of the following contents: "23) homestead land – is not a plot of arable land but an allotment granted by state executive bodies or local self-government to citizens for individual construction with the adjoining plot of land; 24) lawn-and-garden land – is a plot of land granted by state executive bodies or local self-government to enterprises, institutions and citizens for the organization of gardening cooperatives for the purpose of production of agricultural commodities, vegetables and fruits."

  6. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 1 of the Article 35 shall be amended in the following manner: 1) the wording use restrictions shall be excluded; 2) paragraph 2 shall be excluded.

    Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

  7. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 3 of the Article 8 acquires a new wording: «Rent and the modalities of collection thereof shall be established on contractual basis. Land granted in lease cannot be granted in sublease. The amount of rent granted to foreigners except for agricultural land shall be calculated in conformity with the rates of land charges with the application of coefficient established by the Government».

    Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates legal relations in administration of agricultural land and aims at promotion of efficient and safe use of land in the interests of the people of the Kyrgyz Republic. Land is a national treasure of the Kyrgyz Republic and the property of the people, which lives on its territory. (art. 5). The State and exclusively citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who permanently reside in rural location for at least two years have the ownership right to agricultural land in the Kyrgyz Republic (art. 6).

  9. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 28 августа 1998 г. № 666-I О государственном земельном кадастре

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The purpose of the present Law is to establish the legal basis for keeping state land cadastre, use of cadastre data for economic development, ensuring the right to the plots of land, rational use, rehabilitation and protection of land. State land cadastre is a basic component of the Common system of state cadastres and represents the system of data and documentation regarding natural, economic, legal characteristics of land, categories, qualitative aspect and value, location and size of the plots of land, distribution among the owners, leaseholders and landlords thereof.

  10. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 25 апреля 1997 г. № 417-I О геодезии и картографии

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Law establishes the legal basis for geodetic and cartographic activity. The objects of geodetic and cartographic activity are the national territory and outer space (art. 3). Geodetic and cartographic activity of governmental importance shall include: 1) creation, renewal and publication of topographic maps and plans; 2) distant zoning of the Earth; 3) demarcation and inspection of state boundaries (art. 6). Geodetic and cartographic activity shall be subject to licensing in conformity with the modalities established by Law (art. 13). The Law consists of 16 Articles.

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