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  1. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ ТАДЖИКИСТАН Об установлении коэффициентов индексации ставок земельного налога.

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President decrees to establish that beginning from 2001 and for all the subsequent years in case of the modification of the rate setting as regards production costs (determined by the Government) by one percent the rate of land tax shall be increased by 0,7 percent.

  2. Library Resource

    УКАЗ Президента Республики Таджикистан Об образовании Государственного комитета Республики Таджикистан по землеустройству.

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President, for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the state land resources, the conformation of the state management system to the new economic conditions, decrees as follows: 1) to set up the State Committee on Land Survey; 2) to entitle the aforesaid Committee with the functions of the keeping the state land cadastre, land monitoring and land survey, the state registration of ownership rights, carrying out the state supervision over the efficient use and the protection of land resources.

  3. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ ТАДЖИКИСТАН О государственных регистрах

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Law consists of 3 Sections composed of 14 articles dealing with the following matters: 1) general provisions (sect. 1, arts. 1-3); 2) establishment of the state registers (sect. 2, arts. 4-9); 3) keeping and utilization of the state registers (sect. 3, arts. 10-14). The present Law establishes the modalities of the establishment, keeping and liquidation of the State Registers. The purpose of the establishment of the State Register shall be collection and storage of reliable information of a given category of objects for the subsequent use thereof by the state institutions.

  4. Library Resource

    Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Кыргызской Республики о сотрудничестве в области геодезии, картографии, кадастра и дистанционного зондирования Земли

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Europe, Europe, Asia, Central Asia

    The Parties have agreed to cooperate in the following fields: (a) carrying out geodetic, mapping and cartographic activity; (b) exchange of information regarding distant zoning of the Earth; (c) exchange of experience between mapping, geodetic and cartographic organizations and educational institutions; (d) joint research and development; (e) joint symposia and scientific conferences. For the purpose of carrying out the aforesaid activities the Parties shall set up working groups of experts.

  5. Library Resource


    International Conventions or Treaties
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Central Asia

    The Parties have agreed to cooperate in the following fields: (a) carrying out geodetic, mapping and cartographic activity; (b) exchange of information regarding distant zoning of the Earth; (c) exchange of experience between mapping, geodetic and cartographic organizations and educational institutions; (d) joint research. For the purpose of carrying out the aforesaid activities the Parties shall set up working groups of experts.

  6. Library Resource

    СОГЛАШЕНИЕ между Правительством Республики Узбекистан и Правительством Туркменистана о возмездном землепользовании

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Agreement is applicable to expropriated land, including arable land, pastures and land for waterworks, pertaining to Abumuhar and Karsh irrigation channels, and Tuymuyun water reservoir that have been conceded to the Parties on condition of joint permanent land tenure. The Parties have agreed that the aforesaid land has no value and the mutual payment shall be done according to the estimates contained in the Annex.

  7. Library Resource

    Закон Кыргызской Республики Об энергетике

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Law determines the basic principles of the organization and regulation of activities in the fuel and energy sector. All primary energy resources shall be the exclusive property of the state and the management thereof shall be subject to licensing. The Law shall be applicable to energy production, transmission, storage and to such fuels as oil, natural gas, coal and renewable sources of energy.

  8. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил предоставления в аренду земельных участков на территории государственных национальных природных парков для осуществления регулируемого туризма и рекреации Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 7 ноября 2006 года...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Ministerial Decree regards concession on lease of the plots of land of the national parks for regulated tourism and recreation. The plots of land can be conceded to legal and physical persons for tourist paths and tourist routes for short-term lease of five years. The applicants must submit application, notarized copy of the registration (for legal persons), notarized copy of licence (for physical persons) and land use plan containing environmental audit. Contract of lease enters into force after the state registration.

  9. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Порядка ведения государственного земельного кадастра в Республике Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 июня 1996 г. N 710

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of keeping the state land cadastre containing data on land classification, dimensions and boundaries of the plots of land, land registration and valuation. Data of the state land cadastre shall be used for land use planning and land protection, land transactions and land valuation. A registration unit shall be a separated plot of land closed up by boundaries and allotted to a subject of land property relations.

  10. Library Resource

    Об утверждении порядка залога земельных участков и прав землепользования в обеспечение ипотечных кредитов Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 июня 1996 г. N 711

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Ministerial Decree regulates mortgage of the plots of land and traditional land rights related to land based credits. Plots of land in private ownership, land rights and shares of a plot of land in joint ownership or in joint land tenure can be mortgaged. The following land categories shall not be mortgaged: (a) common land; (b) defence land; (c) protected areas; (d) public land allotted for temporary land tenure to the officials. Physical and non-governmental legal persons owning plots of land or exercising land rights thereto can be depositors.

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