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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates the public relations and legal and organizational issues related to the implementation of the land reform in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Land reform is carried out so as to provide for the redistribution of the land in order to create the necessary conditions for equal in rights development of various forms of economy on the land, the formation of versatile economy, for the determination of the rates of the fees for land, and the rational use and protection of the lands at the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    " Lease is timely compensable contract based possession and use of land, other natural resources, enterprises (associations) and other property complexes and other property necessary to a lessee for independent performance of economic and other activity". Lease is allowed in all branches of economy and may apply to property of all types and forms of ownership (art. 3).

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Dhekan farms are independent commercial enterprises with legal form and capacity as described in article 2. Such farms can voluntarily unite and join cooperative societies. Qualified persons have a preferential right on the granting of land plots. Such land is granted on the basis of conditions specified in article 6. District authorities shall create land funds for purposes of Dhekan development (art. 7). Certificates proving the right on a Dhekan farm are given out by the State. Lease shall be regulated by contract (art. 8). Dhekan farms shall be registered in accordance with article 11.

  4. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Act makes provision for private, collective, and state property. The text consists of 25 articles divided into 5 Parts: General Regulations (I); Citizens' Property (II); Collective Property (III); The State Property (IV); Guarantees, Protection and Restrictions of the Proprietary Rights (V).The right of ownership, is recognized and protected by law (art. 1). Article 2 lists the objects of the right of ownership. Also persons not admitted to the citizenship of the Kazakh SSR may be subjects of the right of ownership (art. 3).

  5. Library Resource


    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Presidential Decree establishes that State Commission on Land Reform shall carry out the following tasks: (a) examination and expertise of reports submitted by local self-government related to allotment of land in ownership for the production of agricultural commodities; (b) supervision over allotment of land plots, establishment of size thereof with the consideration of irrigation limits; (c) periodical hearings of the proceedings of local land reform commissions regarding implementation of land reform; and (d) examination of appeals against decisions by local land reform commissions

  6. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Supreme Soviet (Parliament) decrees to carry into force the Law on the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises from the 1 February 1992. The Supreme Soviet entitles the Government to examine the possibility of transfer free-of-charge of the property of some state agricultural enterprises to their work collectives.

  7. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates the particulars of the privatisation of the property of state agricultural enterprises and is aimed at overcoming of the monopoly in the production of the agricultural commodities by creating various form of property and management, by creating the conditions for the transition to market economy in agriculture, by promoting free competition among producers, by stimulating free enterprise for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the improvement of the delivery of foodstuffs and industrial raw materials to the population.

  8. Library Resource
    December, 1995
    Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Russia

    This Law consists of VI sections subdivided into XIX chapters that contain 123 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. It comprehends Chapters I - II that contain Articles 1-13. Section II regulates ownership and other rights of property on land. It comprehends Chapters III-IX that contain Articles 14-75. Section III gives the classification of the types of land. It comprehends Chapters 10-16 that contain Articles 76-102. Section IV regards protection of land, state control, land survey, land monitoring and land cadastre.

  9. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Таджикистан О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Таджикистан О земельной реформе в Республике Таджикистан

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    In the whole text of the Law the wording “the State Committee on Land Reform and Land Survey” shall be substituted with the wording “Ministry of Agriculture”.

    Amends: Law on Land Reform, 1992. (2006)

  10. Library Resource

    г. Душанбе, 21 июля 1994 года, № 1005 Закон Республики Таджикистан О внесении изменений и дополнений в Закон Республики Таджикистан О земельной реформе в Республике Таджикистан

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    In the Article 8 the wording “land of kolkhozes and state agricultural enterprises” shall be substituted with the wording “other non-agricultural land”. Article 9 shall be supplemented with the wording “plots of land allotted for farming and subsidiary small-holding”.

    Amends: Law on Land Reform, 1992. (2006)

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